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  1. Amesy

    The iTable :) - This Could Be Fun At LAN

    Yeah, The Microsoft Coffee Table has been around for a long time.
  2. Amesy

    Scott Pilgrim vs The World

  3. Amesy

    Who's EXCITED

    Damn you deserter
  4. Amesy

    Massive Internet Outages in The Area

    South of England, fine!
  5. Amesy

    Scott Pilgrim vs The World

    I've not seen it but I'm told it is very, very good.
  6. Amesy

    Introversion Supports BreachLAN 16 - DEFCON Tournament

    Stunning stuff. Hats off to introversion. May their day's be long and prosperous.
  7. Amesy

    Hello everyone!

    Hey there and welcome to the forums. As skull said there is usually nearly always someone on the mumble server and we usually just say "Hey what does everyone fancy playing today?" then we jump into something. Enjoy :)
  8. Amesy

    PC Problems, please help

    If it's happened since the case change it could even be something as simple as a short where the motherboard screws are (this has happened to me) Make sure you have the little round hoop things (their name escapes me atm.. possibly washers) on both sides of the srew hole (between the screw and...
  9. Amesy

    Happy Birthday Scottish-Wolfsky !!!

    Happy birthday dude. hope you have a good day.
  10. Amesy

    Who's EXCITED

    Aw please do. Who Boomered?
  11. Amesy

    2.2.1 is out on the HTC Dream :D

    Have fun. I've flashed mine a total of 6 times before finding a decent ROM that I like.
  12. Amesy

    Introversion Supports BreachLAN 16 - DEFCON Tournament

    How very very awesome. good work to whoever got them to do this (I'm thinking Gemini) and a huge hats off to Introversion.
  13. Amesy

    Hey Folks

    Hello and welcome. How did you hear about BreachLAN, out of interest?
  14. Amesy

    Dogfighter @ BreachLAN 16

    Just purchased. I feel a game tonight is in order.
  15. Amesy

    Who's EXCITED

    BreachLAN 13 was my first, and I know how you feel buddy. Trust me, you will love every minute of it and the people are amazingly friendly.... Scott might be a bit too friendly but whack him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper if he gets amorous and you'll fine.... Just kidding Scott, much...
  16. Amesy

    Orange San Francisco

    Can I suggest you go for the Desire HD. Easily the best phone on the market atm. It's even got quite a few iPhone fans turning their heads.
  17. Amesy

    Orange San Francisco

    No it's fee to all T-Mobile and Orange customers. Its because of the merger. Eventually the signals will be completely merged but that's going to take some time.
  18. Amesy

    Orange San Francisco

    What are you running atm big guy?
  19. Amesy

    BreachLAN Xmas 2010 Dinner / Booze Up.

    You know I don't think my Fiancee could deal with the weather. Dex know how much of a wimp she is.
  20. Amesy

    Orange San Francisco Also if you look at the T-Mobile website, you can sign up for the shared signal thing. If you loose T-Mobile signal, it will automatically switch to the Orange signal..
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