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  1. Amesy

    BreachLAN Xmas 2010 Dinner / Booze Up.

    Damn this 523mi distance. I want social partying :(
  2. Amesy

    Saw this on DiRT2...

  3. Amesy

    Tear jerker
  4. Amesy

    Happy Birthday SwiftTempest

    Happy birthday for yesterday. hope it was a good day.
  5. Amesy

    New Forums!

    Great showing of Modesty there Alice. Site looks great. very sexeh.
  6. Amesy

    Hey comrades

    The reply I posted yesterday has disappeared and the "BreachLAN" Theme is gone so I take it this is still work in progress?
  7. Amesy

    Pigs Fly! Duke Nukem Forever To Ship in 2011

    Yes you do... it's epic. Everyone that has played it loves it.
  8. Amesy

    New killing floor update!

    This game is well worth it, and a great laugh when here's 4-5 people you know playing with you.... "FFS Dex, enough with the nade launcher!!!" HEHE
  9. Amesy

    New Case&Cooler

    I would have taken Pseudofreaks Dragon case if I were in your shoes.
  10. Amesy

    Happy Birthday Blackice!!!

    I'm sorry it's late.... happy birthday. Hope you had a good day.
  11. Amesy

    FOR SALE: Chieftec Dragon Full Tower Case

    not likely :( I think I have a better one now anyways :)
  12. Amesy

    FOR SALE: Chieftec Dragon Full Tower Case

    Always wanted one of those when I was in College but could never afford one. Iconic case of the early 2000s.
  13. Amesy

    Happy birthday cAtAcLySm !

    Happy Birthday.
  14. Amesy

    Air Buccaneers

    LMAO. Good job guys. Is this mod free?
  15. Amesy

    Breachlan trip to i40

    Looks like you all had an awesome time.
  16. Amesy

    Happy Birthday BlitzThose!

    Happy birthday. Sorry It's late but hope you had a great day.
  17. Amesy

    Breachlan trip to i40

    Enjoy yourself but be safe???
  18. Amesy

    Duke Nukem (takes)Forever

    Nah, Gearbox Software are pretty good at firing out games. And if it's even half as well made as Borderlands, It'll be a stunning game.
  19. Amesy

    Counter-Strike: Source Beta

    Bite me. My issues are real dammit.
  20. Amesy

    Counter-Strike: Source Beta

    Don't bother. It's the same old shit-engined POS just with sequins stuck on the front to make it look pretty.
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