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  1. Amesy

    DrumLAN #3

    Sorry to hear that Dave. By the sounds of things, it lead a good life.
  2. Amesy now have Aberdeen Server!!!

    My Upload is better than my download :( But my Ping is 1337
  3. Amesy

    3 Word Story

    , all your Trab,
  4. Amesy

    Bad Company 2 - what do you think?

    WOW Dex, if your PC can't run it, is there hope for anyone? I haven't played it yet but i hear good things from people who have. I hear it's not a jokey as the first though. What say you to this?
  5. Amesy

    3 Word Story

    PENIS! And cake.
  6. Amesy

    So who's still playing?

    I Know. You raised it through one of your Characters in-game right? Well log onto that page using what ever credentials you used to log onto the character you raised the petition with and you'll find it in there and they'll have responded to it already no doubt. It's a pain in the ass because...
  7. Amesy

    3 Word Story

    Large Steaming Poo
  8. Amesy

    So who's still playing?

    Don't wait for an email ZeroG. I made that mistake and they closed the petition. check here as often as you can.
  9. Amesy

    Amazing Big Daddy Costume

    Such an amazing costume. I want one!!!
  10. Amesy

    Final Fantasy XIII

    Doesn't even deserve a dignified answer.
  11. Amesy

    So who's still playing?

    Granted, that is hugely impressive. I may be temped to begin a new character for mining, but there is very little point until I get dual screens working.
  12. Amesy

    Final Fantasy XIII

    Got mine Yesterday. Did anyone else order this? Thus far, despite there not being much to do yet, it seems pretty damn good. and visually, it is truly stunning. Your opinions please?
  13. Amesy

    Portal update adds unknown Achievement

    Giant w00tage. Lot's of fun to be had "This holiday season". I can't wait.
  14. Amesy

    Portal update adds unknown Achievement

    I thought it was an unusually large update. That explains it.
  15. Amesy

    BreachLAN 13 Pics!

    OK My pics are finally up here:
  16. Amesy

    Breachlan 13 - Feedback Response

    But can you quit on the Munch Bunch?
  17. Amesy

    BreachLAN 13 Pics!

    Everyone loves a good game of Hide the Sausage!
  18. Amesy

    Portal update adds unknown Achievement

    HMMMM. I wish they would focus of getting the final installment of Half-life out. I'm dying for it over here.
  19. Amesy

    Timelapse Thread

    I see. The music is kinda necessary to withstand the full 33 minutes.
  20. Amesy

    BreachLAN 13 Pics!

    Best of luck man.
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