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  1. Amesy

    Super Sexy CPR ;)

    Saw the first 5 seconds and though... "OK this is going to have to wait til I get home or the office empties out a little". A NSFW tag would have been a good idea here me thinks. LOL :p
  2. Amesy

    Tyrannis Launch Date?

    Looking forward to it alright.
  3. Amesy


    Love it. Looks great dude. Ties in well with the current site design as well. Good Job mate
  4. Amesy


    I really like it dude. However too much white for me. Could you possibly repost with the top and bottom cropped closer, just to see what it looks like? Otherwise I think the simplicity work perfectly.
  5. Amesy

    Lifetime Limit on iPads

    LOL Tom Dickson is amazing. They have Blend-Tec blenders in the Milkshake shop over the road from work. I can't help singing the theme song every time I go in there..... HMMMM Cadburys Creme Egg and Blackberry Millions Milkshake...... I think I'll get one on the way home from work.
  6. Amesy

    Best Buy Coming to the UK

    They do sell some good A/V equipment.
  7. Amesy

    3 Word Story

    the back-end of (technically only 3 words)
  8. Amesy

    Did you sell your soul for games?

    LOL that's awesome.
  9. Amesy

    3 Word Story

    my ass hair
  10. Amesy

    Sid Meier And The 48 Hour Game

    Really cool video there Dave, good find. so impressive what Sid can come up with on his own in just 48 hours.
  11. Amesy

    3 Word Story

    Stampeding across the
  12. Amesy

    3 Word Story

    In her underwear
  13. Amesy

    3 Word Story

    presumably used for
  14. Amesy

    3 Word Story

    The Fail AIDs
  15. Amesy

    3 Word Story

    to the Gods
  16. Amesy

    3 Word Story

    Small child locked
  17. Amesy

    Natural Selection 2

    Those Graphics look cell-shaded. Like Borderlands.
  18. Amesy

    Breachlan trip to i40

    I want to do this soooooo bad, but I just can't afford it. It's only an hour/hour and a half drive from my house. I'll try and muster the money for one next year if anyone is interested?
  19. Amesy

    Getting more people here!

  20. Amesy

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 now available on Pre-Order

    What happened to the 300 series? Or are nVidia just to thick to count properly.
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