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  1. Amesy

    If you could get any women you wanted into bed

    Jessica Biel Because she has the perfect size body (not Skinny but perfectly toned) and she looks like she could be a dirty little cow in the sack. Then again, Megan Fox is probably on par. However, I hear she is a total bitch and bad attitudes don't do much for my libido.
  2. Amesy

    Steam Xmas Sale

    Audio Surf Battlefield 2 Pack THQ Complete Pack (roughly 18 games) L4D2 The Witcher Evil Genius Defense Grid GRID I'm sure there are more but i cant remember so i'll edit/update this when i get home.
  3. Amesy

    Killing Floor - £3.74 on Steam

    Game is most amazing. This is delicious Killing Floor. You must Eat it.
  4. Amesy

    Youtube Greats

    LOL Awesomeness right there. I'm quite fond of this one too
  5. Amesy

    So what do you guys think of the new TF2 content?

    I would like to get into TF2. the game never really appealed to me. Maybe because i came in at a time where you have to get points to get better weapons and no game is fun when you cant level up because the people you play with cream you at every step.
  6. Amesy

    Christmas Dinner @ Work

    I wouldn't even bother attemping to eat the tripe they serve up here. Can't beat my work do tomorrow though. we are going to a cheap Chiquitos. Can't beat a Mexican for Christmas.............. :mad:
  7. Amesy

    Talk with strangers.

    I've installed the Andromegle on my G2 Touch. Me: hi Stranger: Hello :) Me: my fingers smell like badger Stranger Disconnected. Short but sweet.
  8. Amesy

    Counter Strike: Source only £3.50 (10th -14th only)

    Undoubtedly the longest lasting game ever made. This game has been played longer than any other game, ever. that's got to stand for something.
  9. Amesy

    Butt scratcher!!!

    Smegging Jester!
  10. Amesy

    Team Fortress 2 - The administrator

    Cool comic... what do you suppose could be coming? a girl character perhaps?
  11. Amesy

    Breachlan NEEDS YOU

    I will post up the fliers but im doubtful that anyone here in London will give a damn :(
  12. Amesy

    Butt scratcher!!!

    Cum Guzzler!!
  13. Amesy

    You know it baby. It's going to be a freaking long drive.

    You know it baby. It's going to be a freaking long drive.
  14. Amesy

    BreachLAN 13: Seating Plan

    Just put in my payment through Paypal. ( Can I get seat #6 please?
  15. Amesy


    Went live yesterday. Only a few Obvious changes. Planets now look frigging ACE! the browser is now quicker to load web pages than Google chrome or Opera and supports all websites now (stil doesn't play flash pluggins though), and the Eve Mail system has been given a bit of a revamp to make...
  16. Amesy

    Evil Genius

    I got this this yesterday too. played the tutorial and had a bit of a giggle at it. look forward to starting the game for real now.
  17. Amesy

    Breachlan 13 Games Nominations

    Grid Killing Floor Dawn of War 2 CSS (oldies are the best)
  18. Amesy

    Absolute bargain

    Get it Dex, some of the games in there are great. Company of Heros is simply amazing, Saints Row 2 is funny as hell and the DoW games are really good. I do already have Stalker and they didn't give me for it so i think i'll raise a Steam ticket for it.
  19. Amesy

    Butt scratcher!!!

    Scarey Midfielder.
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