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  1. Amesy

    Ohboy! Another Year Older - 30 Next Year :O

    Sorry it's late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D
  2. Amesy

    Absolute bargain

    Not sure how long it'll last so get it while it's hot
  3. Amesy

    Early Xmas Sale on Steam

    for less than £4 I have just purchased it. Can't wait to get home and install it now.
  4. Amesy

    Butt scratcher!!!

    Granny Snatcher
  5. Amesy

    Games 'permit' virtual war crimes

    Bunch of plebs!
  6. Amesy

    Left 4 Dead 2 Campaign

    Oh Yeah how is the server rebuild coming along Dex?
  7. Amesy

    Serious Sam HD

    I used to love these games. So much fun. it just ripped the piss out of Duke Nukem.
  8. Amesy

    Forza 3

    sounds a bit wank..... you Xbox fan bois. When will you learn? :D
  9. Amesy

    Intel 0 - Amd 1.25

    Even though all this has been going on AMD have still come out on top in my perspective. They may not produce THE most powerful chip the world has ever seen but in terms of value for money, AMD is wiping the floor. Things should now only get better
  10. Amesy

    Breachlan 13

    I very much doubt that begging will be required.
  11. Amesy

    Breachlan 13

    I believe I may very well drive up from London for this. Dex, may i stay with you for a couple of days before and after the gig?
  12. Amesy

    Butt scratcher!!!

    Foreign Ambassador!
  13. Amesy

    Killing Floor Glitch and Tricks

    LOL. I see what you did there!
  14. Amesy

    Saint Rows 2 only £3.75 on steam for 24hrs

    What board and memory have you gone for Dioxin? and what GFX card too?
  15. Amesy

    Website coding - help needed

    I'm a hardware and software techie so this isn't my field of expertise.... I'll ask a few friends for you though
  16. Amesy

    Deadbox Incoming!

    Sounds like a PSU issue to me. Sounds like the PSU is firing up but not powering the board.
  17. Amesy

    Saint Rows 2 only £3.75 on steam for 24hrs

    Totally worth it over the Intel chips i'd say!
  18. Amesy

    Deadbox Incoming!

    I doubt it will work. the pins in the DDR1 and DDR2 sticks are completely different and thus will not actually physically fit in the others Mobo slots. I would get that DDR3 would be different again.... although I've never actually seen a DDR3 stick so i couldn't say for sure. That are the...
  19. Amesy

    Saint Rows 2 only £3.75 on steam for 24hrs,review-31655.html
  20. Amesy

    Happy Birthday Scottish-Fox

    Sorry i'm late, but hopefully you saw i Posted a happy Birthday on the PK forums. Either way Happy Birthday, hope you enjoyed the day mate.
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