I am a servant of the dark gods of technology fail! All your technology shall fail in my presence and you shall know DESPAIR!!! HAHAHAHAAAAA!
I would love some DoW 1 but I lost all the discs except DC and I'll be fucked if I'm playing Tau, could do Necron though. Got DoW 2 up to date even although the multiplayer is shitty on it we could do some last stand mode I still haven't beaten wave 20.
Also yes Zombie Panic source even...
Yeah the demo has largely calmed my fears that there wouldn't be enough new stuff in here to justify the cost. I love the new goryness of it especially when you slash a zombie open with the machete.
And that damn wandering witch caught me out twice, you just don't expect her to be walking...
Yeah I got the decrypting thing too. I got the driver thing for the first L4D as well but I knew it was as much crap then as it is now, for some reason L4D games just like to tell you your drivers are out of date.
Got the demo working though and by working I mean I can always get to the...
Still it's hard for me to laugh at apple too much since I have an ipod and an iphone. I'll admit their stuff is kind of overpriced but it works (for me) as opposed to all my other phones and mp3 players which last about 10 months.
Got mine on preorder and got the demo too but steam was being a dick about it. The conversation went like this...
Me: Sweet I have the demo! Time to see how good this game is.
Steam: You need to update me first.
Me: What where did this come from? Fair enough. *clicks to update*...
Ha was this the night that my ass got dragged out to the airport? Don't worry about gemini guys he always has me on speed dial for the crappy jobs. lol
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