The first and second ones are good but apparently LOL difficult. I'm serious if you thought evil genius was difficult you ain't seen anything yet. There isn't even a tutorial. Not one for those who aren't a fan of butt rape.
Interceptor ain't bad as is Apocalypse but I'm told it isn't even...
Good plan. Force the money on Cammy next time, I feel bad inconveniencing him and using his electricity for free.
EDIT: If he refuses we will forcefully buy him something. lol
We're going to be alright guys, I have a katana.
EDIT: Stuff the money in Cammys hands and run away Greg.
Ah this is from a conversation me and Greg had the other day. I'll repeat what I said there.
I would happily give my left nut for a night with Monica Bellucci.
Haha this has to be a joke, there's nothing different about her at all. At first I thought she was Miley Cysus or (insert name of other Disney whore here). This song sounds like another one I can't be bothered to look up the name of.
Today in the sale I obtained,
Serious Sam HD
Battlefield 2 (For £3.50!!)
Call of duty modern warefare 2
Company of heroes (plus all expansions)
The whole unreal package
And all the Dawn of war games.
I am sorted for the time being. It's going to take about 7 years...
So come one guys what you getting in the sales? I still don't know what to buy! I'll be getting Serious Sam HD for future LAN use but that's all I can think of.
Yeah since Cowell is a major Sony BMG share holder there was no "sticking it to the man" happening here whatsoever. Still nearly 80k was given to a homeless shelter because of this and xfactor was given the message not everyone likes their placid shit.
So all in all good times.
I can agree with that, there's only a certain amount of IQ allowed and the more people post the more it has to be shared around.
Well it almost certainly will be free, this exact same thing happened with crash course and that was free.
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