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  1. SocksFoHands

    With the LAN Drawing near...

    Best I can do is let you copy the steam files off me.
  2. SocksFoHands

    Dawn of War

    You were lucky that's all. Damn spawning locations.
  3. SocksFoHands

    Dawn of War

    Well if we have enough people a 4v4 is an option too.
  4. SocksFoHands

    Dawn of War

    Well thats 5, anyone else interested?
  5. SocksFoHands

    Dawn of War

    I have both but as far as multiplayer is concerned I don't touch the second. But if we could get enough people together for a 3v3 in DoW1 that would be great.
  6. SocksFoHands

    With the LAN Drawing near...

    I don't even know if it's that, they just have a relentless and pointless war on pirates which only ever hurts the paying customer. Look at bioshock 2, despite the Spanish inquisition I had to go though to get mine activated it's still on pirate bay being downloaded by thousands of people as we...
  7. SocksFoHands

    With the LAN Drawing near...

    With the gaming industry being so anti LAN these days I think breach is going to have to find a place with an internet connection. Damn Nazis.
  8. SocksFoHands

    Dawn of War

    Done and done, I'm a religious DoW player though I mainly play DC mods these days.
  9. SocksFoHands

    Dawn of War

    I'm just curious how many people own it and might be interested in a few games. I can play any of the expansions and I also own the second game.
  10. SocksFoHands

    Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

    Hmmm. I'm not sure. I played the first one years ago and didn't like it. What's the multiplayer like?
  11. SocksFoHands

    BreachLAN 13: Seating Plan

    They don't count. Neither were paying customers. ;) It is funny how seeing a girl at breach is a big deal, I guess it's kind of like if you're in the mens toilets and a woman comes in. You just don't expect it, it's unnatural. :o lol
  12. SocksFoHands

    BreachLAN 13: Seating Plan

    HAHAHA I'm not sure there's been a female within 50 feet of breach! We should get a sign for the door "no girls allowed" and have pillow forts and everything.
  13. SocksFoHands

    BreachLAN 13: Seating Plan

    I still love the insane optimism of bringing a double bed to breach. LOL
  14. SocksFoHands

    With the LAN Drawing near...

    At the risk of being set on fire and beaten with sticks, what are the odds of people getting a little MW2 in? I notice our games list is a little spartan so far.
  15. SocksFoHands

    BreachLAN 13: Seating Plan

    Glad I didn't end up sitting at that table on my own. :p
  16. SocksFoHands

    BreachLAN 13: Seating Plan

    Fix me up with seat 9 please my good man.
  17. SocksFoHands

    Breachlan 13 - Schedule and Tournament Signup Information.

    Sweet, cheers Dex. If I see Greg before then I'll give him the money but most likely I'll pay at the door.
  18. SocksFoHands

    Breachlan 13 - Schedule and Tournament Signup Information.

    Damn was hoping to pay cash in hand to avoid charges.
  19. SocksFoHands

    Breachlan 13 - Schedule and Tournament Signup Information.

    Just found out I can make it to this breach. HELL YEAH! Where do I sign? EDIT: Found where to sign but I'm not allowed to...
  20. SocksFoHands

    Prorder Bioshock 2 - Steam 4 pack!? £20.25 each.

    Damn it, I already ordered my copy. ><
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