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  1. SocksFoHands

    Breachlan 13 - Feedback Response

    Internet wise I would be happy with MSN and forums. It's nice to take a few breaks from gaming to read the news or something. Blocking youtube seems like a sensible action and anyone who comes to a LAN without their games installed and doesn't at least have the common sense to get backups from...
  2. SocksFoHands

    BreachLAN 13 Pics!

    NEVER! It's so comfy! :p
  3. SocksFoHands

    BreachLAN 13 Pics!

    LOL I am the breach paparazzi. No one is safe. ;) Good pics Dave, any more?
  4. SocksFoHands

    BreachLAN 13 Pics!

    Kick some arse sinner.
  5. SocksFoHands

    BreachLAN 13 Pics!

    No one else posting pics? Come on people I saw a few cameras there.
  6. SocksFoHands

    BreachLAN 13 Pics!

    I recognise the laptop so it must be blitz, but I thought he didn't sleep? The guy is like a LANing robot or something. EDIT: Pics! Sinner! Knottyboy! Swifttempest! Dave! No need to say it, I have a gift.
  7. SocksFoHands

    Spotted this on the multiplay forums lol

    Lawl @ CRT's.
  8. SocksFoHands

    Timelapse Thread

    I saw. If that was going at 57fps why were you standing with your buttcrack to the camera for over a minute? :p I'm a fidgety person. I can't help myself. :S
  9. SocksFoHands

    Preferred Pizza Supplier

    If I can't have snappys I'd go PHD. I don't think Dominoes are that great frankly.
  10. SocksFoHands

    Timelapse Thread

    I just sat thought the whole thing. Great vid, the positioning is a tad unfortunate since a lot of interesting stuff happened off to the right though. Another thing, if I'd known the camera was pointing RIGHT AT ME I would only have picked my nose half that much.
  11. SocksFoHands

    Preferred Pizza Supplier

    I don't even know what it is. Am I the only person on earth who loves snappys?
  12. SocksFoHands

    Timelapse Thread

    Cheers Greg. I'm looking forward to seeing the full thing.
  13. SocksFoHands

    Trab thread

    Whoa! At first glance it's actually difficult to tell that's been shooped. It's only the lighting that gives it away.
  14. SocksFoHands

    Breachlan 13 - Feedback

    I wonder whose house that ended up setting fire to? lol
  15. SocksFoHands

    Timelapse Thread

    There are HD vids on youtube now. Can't say anything about the upload speed though. I've never tried.
  16. SocksFoHands

    Breachlan 13 - Feedback

    I think it felt that way because COD4 and UT2K4 became the main fixtures of all three days. Admittedly moreso to me because I didn't play track mania to break it up. If we had set aside Friday night or Sunday morning to play something completely different it would have felt better though. Me...
  17. SocksFoHands

    Breachlan 13 - Feedback

    Yeah even if every person there had chipped in another £2 each we could have more than paid for the internet usage we had at breach 12. I'm pretty sure we would have had a lot less steam problems if we had had proper internet access. Not to mention it would have been nice to have had MSN...
  18. SocksFoHands

    Another LAN finished

    That's where you're wrong. Swearing IS big and it IS clever. But I watch my French on here.
  19. SocksFoHands

    Another LAN finished

    Alice strategically managed to make sure everyone was facing the other way when he took that... Oh and its SocksFOHands not for hands, no "r". Get it right foo! ;) Still it's made my hair look black an I kinda like it, I might dye it. lol
  20. SocksFoHands

    Another LAN finished

    Another great LAN guys, much thanks goes out to Greg, Dex, Sion and Scott for making Breach possible. My moments of the LAN will be my epic hour long DoW duel with SwiftTempest, the trabasty that was the UT2K4 gibfest and the success of my efforts to ruin ZeroG's sniping. Bloodnok, Sinner...
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