Search results

  1. gemini

    BreachLAN 61: The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly

    A big thank you to everyone who came along to BreachLAN 61. I had a great time with all my friends and I hope you all had a laugh too. Please take this opportunity to leave some feedback about what you liked, or not and what you think we can do to improve in the future. If you want to give some...
  2. gemini

    Big Evening Meals

    For this LAN we're going to run a trial of having big food orders on all three nights. Saturday will always be Pizza Night. So we're looking for suggestions for Friday and Sunday nights. Chinese? Indian? BBQ? What do you think you'd want? Links to restaurants would be fantastic, but there are...
  3. gemini

    BreachLAN 60 Feedback: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

    A big thank you to everyone who came along to BreachLAN 60. It was great to see everyone again for an (almost) full sized event. We'd like to ask your feedback for how we can improve in the future. The Good: New guests. Great to see Manky and Wiggles join us at an event. General tidyness. Thank...
  4. gemini

    Early Bird Tickets in 2022

    Good Day Everyone. This is a quick announcement about how Early Bird tickets work for LANs. There are a maximum of 10 early bird tickets available for each event. They are available until two weeks after the previous event, or they sell out, whichever comes first. Early bird tickets for all...
  5. gemini

    Lan Poster

    Here is the poster for BreachLAN 62. Please feel free to share it wherever you want.
  6. gemini

    Lan Poster

    Here is the poster for BreachLAN 61. Please feel free to share it wherever you want.
  7. gemini

    Lan Poster

    Here is the poster for BreachLAN 60. Please feel free to share it wherever you want.
  8. gemini


    Hey Everyone. BreachLAN 59 is GOING AHEAD but with two changes 1) The dates have changed. It is now Fri 8th October until Sun 10th October. 2) It's a 48hr LAN. We're sorry for the change especially after some of you have probably booked time off work. I'll explain the reason why the date has...
  9. gemini

    BreachLAN Weight Loss Challenge - Signup Here

    Hey Everyone. BreachLAN is going to be running a weight loss challenge starting Tuesday 7th September 2021 until Tuesday 8th March 2022. The challenge is open to everyone in our community with a BMI of 18.5 or above and who wants to lose some weight. We have a private sub-forum for those...
  10. gemini

    BreachLAN 58 Will Be Online

    Hi Everybody. To say that I'm angry about this is an understatement. Three weeks away from the event and the Scottish Government has not given any clear indication if we will or won't be allowed to host and with no indication the rules will change on 9th August, the window for me to request...
  11. gemini

    Initial search for interest

    This is an idea I've had for a very long time and I've never had the chance to put into action. Now though I'd like to give it a try and see if it's possible to pull it off. I apologise in advance for the wall of text. Background: Endurance racing is a type of motorsport based on a fixed period...
  12. gemini

    Would you take a Covid test to attend LAN?

    Good Day. If we put some kind of "You must take a Covid test and prove your negative results before attending LAN" rule in place, would you do the test and then come the LAN? If no, what would be your concerns about it and is there anything we could do to alleviate those concerns? Thank You.
  13. gemini

    Alestorm / Gloryhammer - Glasgow - 5th Dec 2021 Me and Libby are going. If anyone else wants to come along, get a...
  14. gemini

    What Covid19 precautions would you accept in order to attend a LAN

    We were having a discussion about some of the precautions that the government or the hall may impose on group gatherings. Because at Breach we're in such close quarters for such an extended time, some people may not be prepared to tolerate these restrictions. It will help us make a decision...
  15. gemini

    LAN Poster

  16. gemini

    LAN Poster

  17. gemini

    LAN Poster

  18. gemini

    LAN Poster

  19. gemini

    Sorry Everyone - Lan Is Cancelled :(

    Sorry everyone. But we all knew this one was also inevitable. The Scottish Government rules just aren't going to allow the LAN to run. Once again it's completely out of our hands. As we did with the last one we're going to schedule three consecutive games nights for the Friday 14th, Sat 15th...
  20. gemini

    12Hr Halloween Stream - Game Schedule and Slot Reservations

    Our 12hr Halloween Stream is coming up and we're working on setting up the schedule for the games that will appear on the stream. If you REALLY want to be involved in playing a certain game on stream comment here and we'll make sure you are reserved a spot. Also, if you want any other games...
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