BL9 Games List

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Well-Known Member
Rock Band FTW!!! i got it and it ROCKS! Deff a great Party game! perfect for the lan :)

Also thinking about bringing my petrol remote controll car along , its great fun when your board and it does a very good speed :) so can race it about in the car park lol peeps can have a shot lol .. big boy toy ftw ;)


New Member
Can't blame the fellow, TF2 really is a spiffing good multiplayer game. Roll on the heavies.

It's jsut a shame that Breachlan will miss the arrival of RA3 by about a month or so i think.

Now that's a game I'm looking forward to.


Captain Hammer!!
Stage 1:
UT2004: DM 10 minute round, top 5 progress

Stage 2:
Flatout 2: 3 rounds, top 2 progress

Final Stage:
Worms Armageddon, Best of 3 rounds

We are also thinking of a TF2 toruney, but it will depend on final numbers.


The Crude One
Staff member
There is so much we could do. Il submit all the usuals


PLus il go out on a limb and say UT3. Most of us should have it by now and if not ther is plenty time to grab it before the lan.


Captain Hammer!!
not quite what i meant but along those lines, we already play a laod of FPS was wanting to get some top down sort of things. like that warcraft 3 mod with the creeps. also Alien Swarm


New Member
Soon is relative tbh.

It'll be hoiked to the North American community first, and then we'll probably get it a fortnight or so before release. :/ Either way the full game won't be out until either October or November ( apparently 'Red October' in Russia actually took place in November, so take from that what you will ). I advise people to watch the videos of it though - it looks interesting if nothing else :)

Alien Swarm is an awesome coop game, especially since it runs on the UT2K4 engine which we all have. There is actually a Source version in prodcution, but I wouldn't hold your breath for that one tbh.
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