BreachLAN 1 : 17th-19th Feb 2006

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New Member
don't fix what's not broken. The site is informative and works. Don't judge a book by it's cover etc etc

keep in mind you'll have 48 hours of gaming (or something close) so pretty every game will be on the cards for everyone at some point


Nowt wrong with the site

PseudoPhreak : the russians have a sayin, if it aint broke dont fix it , (Olap, gr8t minds think alike eh?)i think ur site works, thats whats important


F_sake : sent u an email


New Member
The trouble with lans is that it is such a hassle getting all your shit to one that the prospect of another in 2 weeks time is not appealing. There have been two lans in aberdeen before and there was no problem- scotland and aberdeenlanparty survived just fine (a couple of people went to both but they had substantially their own set of attendees).

Most of the people who will attend breachlan will do so because they know F_sake and the other organisers from scotlan- the better the devil you know and all that :)


New Member
First off Ello everyone

F_Sake - Why cod and not cod 2?

Dyce - your are the SHE-Devil :p

Pseudo - catch up with me soon reagrding the webby if you and sakey want the deal i should be able to get

I would love to make the first BreachLan event but unfortunatly i am tied up that weekend with non gaming matters :( I might manage to get over and say hello to everyone though

Although i can't make it i have a spare box that could be used for a server if need be Sakey, Pseudo grab a hold of me if you need it MSN is propbably best if not IRC when i am on

I believe that there is also another lan the same weekend again :( down glasgow way.


Pinje, thats why we may not get 30 signups

cos a lot of people will think like you, so noone will pay.

Best bet is to pay asap


If it's cancled then you have 2 choices

1. Full Refund (- any paypal charges if payment was made via paypal)


2. Credit towards the next LAN


Shame I live in the south of england now, otherwise I'd sign up


Pinje, Come along and bring your pc, working or not. Someone will be able to fix it for you (I will have a look myself if I get a chance)


New Member
jesus you would have better seeing me at Pc world.

At least it would work at a lan

/me remembers Prisim at the lans blowing stuff up and borrowing parts of everyone :/

didn't he even take Blitz's position as cable tripper as well ;)
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