Perhaps part of the problem is the sheer size of the system. Despite it being only used at a fraction of it's capable volume.
To put it in perspective, the amps were set at 0.5/10 and the mixer was barely registering three green lights most of the time.
It's a 400W per channel amplifier setup with 800W per channel speakers. Even at it's lowest level that I could actually get it to go it was perhaps just too loud.
I'l investigate getting a lower powered system for the future. It is just trial and error.
And I'd like to say to everybody, if you thought it was too loud or think its too loud in the future then please dont feel sheepish or anything and just ask us to turn it down. My first DJ job was with an events company and they showed me just how much music can make or break an event. Having it makes the atmosphere better but having it too loud where it isnt appropriate can be annoying.
Please, if in the future you think anything is too loud then please don't feel sheepish and just ask us to turn it down.
Games first