BreachLAN 21 - Who is the KING of BreachLAN? Sponsored by KustomPCs!


Active Member
I take it that challenging is disallowed between midnight and 8am the next day or something, might be dickish to kick someone awake and go "I challenge you right NOW!"


Thou Shalt Not Pass
If you challenged ZeroG and got UT out of the hat then you'd just veto it,


The Crude One
Staff member
Game edit. Starcraft has been edited to clarify. It will be Broodwar we will be using. Not just the original Starcraft.


The Crude One
Staff member
Any more support for adding Quake to the list of games ? Or anyone with any more ideas for suitable games that we could use ?


The Crude One
Staff member
The idea of the veto is to ensure that there is a chance for players to remove games that will be insanely one sided.

One sided games are no fun to watch by anyone. Nor are they any fun to take part in.

The veto will ensure there is more fun to be had by players, and by anyone who happens to be watching it at the time. Not less.

With only one veto allowed each per challenge though it shouldn't be able to be abused.


The Crude One
Staff member
The win condition for The KingSlayer has been clarified.

The KingSlayer win condition is based on the number of UNIQUE kills. If you slay the same king three times you get only one point. Slaying three different kings earns three points.


New Member
Any reason its BW over SC2?
Also defcon and frozen synapse are good 1v1 games

Great idea by the way hope to see lots of awesome games


The Crude One
Staff member
The reason for BW over SCII is because fewer people have played BW in competition. The LAN support of the game is very good it doesn't need the internet and generally we want to mix up the King games.
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