Breachlan journey to i36


I bid you all Welcome from the BreachLAN team at i36!!!

Total Travel Time: 11 hours and change
Average Speed: <40MPH

F*CKING roadworks.... M6/M4/M42, there a mess....


Well-Known Member
Why indeed, I saw a queue and went sod it and beat them by a minute (after satnav and self wents nuts...)


I've been recording "video blog's" of the trip, once I get home i'll make a little breach-iseries movie and post it up. Gemini is the main star!!


The Crude One
Staff member
Ok, Update

Today we decided to enter and play in the i36 Call of Duty 4 Tournament.

Here are our results for the day.

Just in case you are wondering, that is the worst possable result the admins here have ever seen. By a HUGE margin.

I am also aware I spelled Breachlan wrong but my reason is that it was 6am this morning when I made the team and there was no hot water in the shower :(
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