Breachlan needs to turn to you now, our loyal userbase, to help us evolve and reach the next level.
We need you, to tell all your gamer mates about Breachlan.
Let them know that Breachlan is where the action is at. Tell them about the awesome laughs we have playing the video games. Tell them about the epic party, where you can be a gamer, and people around you understand that.
You can talk to loads of other people about your CSS, L4D, Unreal, (even WoW) escapades and people wont look at you funny. They will laugh and understand.
Breachlan needs you now more than ever to help evolve the LAN. So it is with this that we turn to you now, our loyal userbase to help us expand.
Tell your gamer mates. Breachlan is where they want to be on the 12th-14th February.
Your dedication shall not go unrewarded. Any person who excells at this activity and gets five friends referred, signed up and paid (that parts kinda crucial) will be extremely handsomely rewarded for their efforts.
So go forth our loyal following. Lets expand our userbase with a massive push from all of you. Your dedication shall be rewarded.
We need you, to tell all your gamer mates about Breachlan.
Let them know that Breachlan is where the action is at. Tell them about the awesome laughs we have playing the video games. Tell them about the epic party, where you can be a gamer, and people around you understand that.
You can talk to loads of other people about your CSS, L4D, Unreal, (even WoW) escapades and people wont look at you funny. They will laugh and understand.
Breachlan needs you now more than ever to help evolve the LAN. So it is with this that we turn to you now, our loyal userbase to help us expand.
Tell your gamer mates. Breachlan is where they want to be on the 12th-14th February.
Your dedication shall not go unrewarded. Any person who excells at this activity and gets five friends referred, signed up and paid (that parts kinda crucial) will be extremely handsomely rewarded for their efforts.
So go forth our loyal following. Lets expand our userbase with a massive push from all of you. Your dedication shall be rewarded.