Horizontal Dog is back! HD#4 18th-20th Jan 2008


Well-Known Member
I will probably be going just need to first work out a rough cost for the weekend.

So far it's looking like this:-

£15 Lan fee
£90 Room
£7ish for taxi from station
£? food/drink
£? Train ticket

Not a cheap weekend by any means but worth it for the lannage.


Captain Hammer!!
you wouldnt need to get a room though, its optional, they will have a different area for sleeping if you dont want a room


New Member
klkl :)

Yeah theres is a completely separate room for sleeping in if you want to just sleep on the floor (camp bed costs less than 90 pounds)



Well-Known Member
Yeah but it's always nice to have a bit of privacy and away from all the snorers :p Also propers beds are more comfy than a campbed or the floor :)


New Member
Good point, can you not find another 1 or 2 or even 3 people to share with which will reduce the hotel cost to 45, 35 or 32 pounds respectively :)



Well-Known Member
if you share with somone then you can possibly still hear snoring lol , the sleeping room will do me :) im usaly that knackerd that i just fall asleep right away.


Well Hozdog, seeing as you have half of our clientel signing up wheres your guys signing up for us :p

LOL It's gonna be a BreachLAN in Fife at this rate


New Member
Of course I'm coming along and bringing one of our other admins with me, our other admin can't make it unfortunately.

Good to see so many of you signing up, thanks :)

Also would it be ok to pay on the day as it is so close to the event, this will also save on paypal fees?



I would prefer if people paid in advance as if we don't get enough people we are considering dropping a row to save on costs.

If you want I can come collect the money from you this week. I only live up the road (20 miles or so)


New Member
mmm my own room.

Not high-spec required tourneys.


I have signed up - and will pay at some point in the near future.
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