So who's still playing?

Deep Blue

Staff member
Hey guys

I've you've not resubscribed maybe you should consider it, Hexx and I are very close to getting the perfect hulk yield with some serious bonuses from an Orca pilot that will be fully maxed out in 30 days or so.

Each hulk is churning out approx 11mil ISK per hour mining low end empire ores!

PLEX's sell for approx 270mil ISK so that's a mere 24 hours mining a month to pay for your account (less than an hour a day). So that's a few hours work, but that gives the mission runners a good run for their money eh? :)


Active Member
Granted, that is hugely impressive.
I may be temped to begin a new character for mining, but there is very little point until I get dual screens working.


Thou Shalt Not Pass
I am looking to get my account re-activated, so when I actually get round to buying a PLEX I'll be joining you guys.


Well-Known Member
How active are you though ? I don't want to resubscribe and have an empty chat :)

Deep Blue

Staff member
I've found a nice alliance that might be worth considering? I can play most nights.

Hexx runs 3 accounts in an alt-tab style, mining in a barge only requires your attention every 3 minutes :) so that gives you time to run an alt.

I believe that this corp that I have in mind might fit the Bill. However I will need to talk to Gemini before I name the Alliance. Sufficed to say that they are based in Nul-sec and Empire, and are invollved in PVP, Manufacture, Research, etc. All the juicy bits that we want :)

We need 10 active players, excluding alts ;)


Well-Known Member
If I started back it would probably be casual to start with to see how things went and I would take it from there.


The Crude One
Staff member
I am still playing.

But due to some extreme spending this month, I have had to go about cost cutting most of my accounts. (six at the minute)Most are currently inactive and the ones that go inactive over the next few days will remain inactive until after i39 when I am able to evaluate what disposable income I have for next month.

Still, I'l speak to you tonight Dexxykins.

Deep Blue

Staff member
That happens to me with a lot of games. I get bored and leave for a bit and when I go back I like it again.

I hear ya man :) Sufficed to say, it's a huge sandbox and if you try something and don't like it, there's always something else to try!

Deep Blue

Staff member
nice to see you guys are still playing eve. my alliance had a titan kill at the end of january :D was awesome. if your looking for a alliance to join i can put in a good word for your corp if you like.

Kill vid with commentary

So long as they like a small corp of Indie bums and are willing to let us get some more skill points into Gunnery, research and invention before applying ;)


Well-Known Member
I managed to recover the login details for my mission runner. I had other login details but it turns out that's for a trial account which I can't remember setting up.

The problem now is trying to get the details for my miner/industrialist. I've sent in a petition to see if they can help but haven't heard anything back so far.


Active Member
Don't wait for an email ZeroG. I made that mistake and they closed the petition. check here as often as you can.


Active Member
I Know. You raised it through one of your Characters in-game right? Well log onto that page using what ever credentials you used to log onto the character you raised the petition with and you'll find it in there and they'll have responded to it already no doubt. It's a pain in the ass because they don't tell you that that is where you should be looking to get the response. I waited for 2 weeks for an email response to my first ever petition about losing a ship due to the servers crashing. The only email I got was to say that as I hadn't responded they assumed the issue resolved itself and closed the petition.
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