T3h Un0ff1c14l Br34ch 12 G4me5 L15t

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The Crude One
Staff member
Following on from the Official thread, this is the unofficial thread.

If you would like to see a game played at Breachlan that was not listed there then please encourage it in here.


The Crude One
Staff member
I will get started.

I would like to play some Killing Floor and Quake 3.


New Member
Well i'm gonna champion some Killing Floor and Q3.

I also know my mate Dioxin will want to play some KF.

Also, if anyone else has a copy wouldn't mind playing a few coop games of Operation Flashpoint 2

Also because virtually evenone is bound to have a copy some DM on Doom or Duke 3D would be cool, i like's me a bit of retro


Well-Known Member
L4D 2 Demo could be possible (if valve time is correct for once)

Zombie Panic Source (version 2.0 is out on 31/10/09)

Prop Hunt (A TF2 mod, if the lan files are released before lan)


New Member
New KF content out next week!

Rumors of new explosives based class, new weapons (M79 confirmed!!) and even heard there may be a new specimin.....that had a gun!


The Crude One
Staff member
This is all good. Please everyone try to have as many of these games as possible pre-installed and patched. The more people that have more games the better :)


please no Air Bucaneers this time .... id rather try my luck at an rts than play that agin :p and theres very few rts' that i can grasp before i get mauled xD


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Air Bucaneers - best to teach new players what they have to do before plunging them headfirst into a game, especially when they can't tell which team is which...

As for RTS, if anyone wanted, Any of the original Dawn of War series, I would be up for that.


New Member
never played air buccaneers and i dont plan to. i'm up for some DoW 1 & 2, the whole month that i had no internet i was playing through the entire series of DoW1 :D
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