After 3 years of being nagged by Greg I finally came along and holy shit, I wish I did so sooner! Having been president of the RGU gaming society for the past 3 years I have always promoted you guys as much as possible but without knowing much about what actually goes on at LAN (maybe something that should be on website with some pics?) I couldn't really answer many questions, only direct people towards Greg but now I already have my ticket booked for next LAN and have my VP coming along as well
To follow everyone else's format:
The Good:
-10 years of breach, congrats guys on all the hard work and here's to another 10 years!
-Having projector games, board games and poker brought a little big of balance and made sure people took a bit of a break from their screens which is important (health and safety yo!) as well as being good fun

-I really liked the RvB comp although being on red team I may be biased
- The community of folk there was brilliant and everyone was so friendly (if at times a little to friendly - looking at you Sion!) and it's nice to see that folk stay behind to tidy up

- Waking up to the smell of bacon every morning - thanks Dod!
- Pizza, self explanatory
The Bad:
-As a newbie I had no idea what to bring and things like that, I didn't even know that people stayed over at the hall until the day before so this is something you might want to add as a sort of 'Idiots guide to LAN' thing on your site
-so many farts!
-the plague, soz guys, I'd have kept it to myself if I could have!

-I knew I was bad at games but holy crap was it confirmed to me with the RvB games!
-The only real suggestions I have is like a noobie guide about what to bring, what happens like sleeping, morning rolls, pizza order, poker night and stuff like that cos if it wasn't for being friends with Gordo I'd have been absolutely clueless!