With the LAN Drawing near...

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The Crude One
Staff member
We will just use local listen servers for L4D2. We have run things like this on test lans and noticed no significant performance difference when hosten on a lan.


times the lan open lads? i forget every time, maybe ill even come early and help set up if you need it :)

oh and im buying a video camera today, as im going to holland i want to make a vid with the guys from my clan. and seeing as im going back to college (hopefully) to do some photography/animationy/vieoish kind stuff i figure the more i do the better, sooooo im gona actually make a breach lan vieo and if you dont like it fine but i hope its going to be half decent so you could maybe use it as a promo :D


sound, i should be there at 5 ish then. and i must see some of this there was a fair bit of faf at the last lan :D


Well-Known Member
Guys, just to remind you lot to disable the tab key (scores) for l4d as it causes the game to freeze (if no net), seems ok with l4d2 but you never know...
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