Xbox One - PS4 - What Will You Get???



ill be grabbing xbox one for the exclusives but keeping my pc for everything else..... lanning with BreachLAN is a lot more fun than xbox live :)


*looks disapprovingly*
Ill never succumb to the hideous console peasantry!

Well maybe if beyond good and evil 2 comes out or the last gaurdian, PS4 it will be in that case...


Well-Known Member
Right folks!!! the best thing about consoles is that its a living room device! great for partys! rockband, kinnect ect!!


Well-Known Member
It's a multimedia PC/console device! Haven't seen that in a console before. A brief look at the specs and it seems exactly the same as a PS4. All in all it' probably means I'm going to buy both the consoles!

The games shown, seem to look pretty new and exciting too!

And the games share features are great!

So far, I think this generation of consoles is looking rather [REDACTED]


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Castiana beat me to the glorious PC gaming master race image, though I'm sure I've posted that on here before...

As for living room devices? Pffft, one of these please!


Well-Known Member
I made a bingo card for the E3 Microsoft Presentation at 5pm on monday


One shot per square checked off. An Extra 5 for a line completed.

In before: Call of Dog or Collar Duty: Bark Ops ;)


*looks disapprovingly*
was just wondering what you guys will be watching (if anything) at E3 heres my to watch list;

Xbox one (just cause TV TV TV TV TV TV, oh and something bout games :p
Ubisoft in the hopes of beyond good and evil 2 (teaser poster found on some website unconfirmed however)
Capcom for anything not resi evil
Sony PS4 hopefully with the last guardian :D (which i want more than HL3 :eek:)

EDIT; apparently DayZ has a slot will be watching that also (its on day 3)


Well-Known Member
"Theres a lot going on in that box, its basically a super powered PC focused on social and gaming" - Some random 'analyst' on justifying the price tag
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