Recent content by Blackice

  1. Blackice

    Video Games do NOT cause Violence

    Watch that, then pass it on to everyone you know.
  2. Blackice

    Company of Heroes Movie

    So that his happening.....
  3. Blackice

    Rooting Android

    I will be sure to stay away from CM9 then :p Thanks for the headsup!
  4. Blackice

    Rooting Android

    Pro thanks, will let you know what I decide upon and how it is :)
  5. Blackice

    Rooting Android

    I only have a HTC Sensation, which as far as I am aware unfortunately is not supported on CyanogenMod10 yet :(
  6. Blackice

    Rooting Android

    So I know that at least some of you out there have Android and then a few of those have rooted it, anyone recommend a specific firmware to install, been looking at CyanogenMod, any other good ones?
  7. Blackice

    Contour ROAM 2

    If anyone is interested, Contour are doing a competition on facebook for you and a friend to win one of their new cameras, perfect for Airsofting, Paintball, Snowboard or just having fun with, well worth a sign up :) CONTOUR - ContourROAM2 Giveaway | Facebook
  8. Blackice

    TAKEDOWN! Old school tactical shooter, FOR YOU!

    Its getting quite close!
  9. Blackice

    TAKEDOWN! Old school tactical shooter, FOR YOU!

    Can't get to the next one but I am seriously hoping to get to the one after if all goes well financially wise :) and yes, it sounds like the perfect LAN game :)
  10. Blackice

    TAKEDOWN! Old school tactical shooter, FOR YOU!

    I would hope it has already been posted there a few times :p but the more the better :)
  11. Blackice

    TAKEDOWN! Old school tactical shooter, FOR YOU!

    Some of you may remember me (went to a LAN a while ago) and see me around on facebook, some may be all "who the fuck is this" :p But anyways, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE donate what you can and spread the word about this around! Please please please PLEASE Pledge what you can. This is what WE WANT...
  12. Blackice

    Buying headphones, any tips?

    Thats where I got the Audio Technica's from, they say they are the best :/
  13. Blackice

    Buying headphones, any tips?

    Basically I want the best headphones, that can still be powered by an iPod. They need to be durable enough that I can travel with them, prefrably not munt ugly but good enough quality that when I am athome/ork I can really enjoy the music. Also decided on closed back due to leakage, so no...
  14. Blackice

    Buying headphones, any tips?

    Am in the proccess of choosing and buying some new headphones, not computerspecific ones, just standerd 3.4mm minijack ones. Am looking to spend 50-100 pounds.
  15. Blackice


    Nah its PGL, so i am not trying to access to stuff in work time, just in the evenings and days off. and i will be very surprised if they notice me out of the hundreds of staff per centre, and there are 40+ centres in the UK alone, and one IT office in HQ XD And all those websites dont work...
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