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  1. Sakey

    Those of you who went to ScotLAN...

    I just paid my eve sub...I aint paying for PS as well :p
  2. Sakey

    EvE Handholding 29th and 30th March

    Make space for 1/2 comming up from fife. Sunday only for me.
  3. Sakey

    Buy your timecodes here

    err, doesn't that work out at more than the montly sub?
  4. Sakey


    Name: Railong Race: Minmatar Flying: Rifter among other things. No idea about the rest. Also Name: Sakey Railong Race: Minmatar Flying: a Piece of shit. Will be creating a 3rd character to help Lisa with the tutorial.
  5. Sakey

    I want to play, but I need some trial keys :)

    Is this up and running yet? Also what are your character names?
  6. Sakey

    I want to play, but I need some trial keys :)

    Already downloading the client See you guys :)
  7. Sakey

    I want to play, but I need some trial keys :)

    Oh god....don't make me reactivate my account guys.....
  8. Sakey

    BreachLAN T-Shirts

    Well from having a look, this isn't going to be cheap if you want your names on the back as well..... What is the max people are willing to pay for a shirt?
  9. Sakey

    BreachLAN #10 Feedback

    Ok the last post was from my phone so exscuse the awkwardness of it. I feel that being open here will be easier. We are trying to work with the Hall to get Event Broadband (Actual DSL) at present. There are some complications but we are hoping that by the next LAN we will have this arranged...
  10. Sakey

    BreachLAN T-Shirts

    This is just a quick thread to find out if people would be interested in BreachLAN T-Shirts. We were thinking of having BreachLAN on the front and your name on the back. No idea of costs yet so just to guage interest. This poll will run for 30 days. Thanks
  11. Sakey

    Happy Birthday Sakey

    Thanks guys, and I am 29 btw
  12. Sakey

    Guitar Hero n Rock Band?

    It's fine, if someone breaks my kit they pay for a new one ;)
  13. Sakey

    Guitar Hero n Rock Band?

    well the good news is that I have a metal pedal insted of the shitty plastic one. Rules are though if you break a stick, you pay for a new set :p
  14. Sakey

    Guitar Hero n Rock Band?

    I have the whole band setup, it is on 360.
  15. Sakey

    Dungeons and Dragons

    Err, I didn't get it. I will send another message, can your reply to that again please.
  16. Sakey

    Guitar Hero n Rock Band?

    Rock Band 2 with the Rock Band 1 songs and LOTS of downloads will be there and GH3 but I only have 1 GH guitar. I think Dex may be bringing GHWT
  17. Sakey

    Dungeons and Dragons

    Nostrus, please check your PMs.
  18. Sakey

    Hi mate, are you wanting to DM or would you rather play as I have somone who would be willing to...

    Hi mate, are you wanting to DM or would you rather play as I have somone who would be willing to run the game also. They are also looking to run some different games across the weekend.
  19. Sakey

    Official Games List

    Trackmania nations forever doesn't have a dedicated server that I can find. I will keep looking but we may go with TM:N as we have a working server for that. [Edit] Five mins later I find it. Will work on getting it working this week
  20. Sakey

    Attendance List

    Whats a LAN again?
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