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  1. Sakey

    Games List?

    Serious Sam Co-op. It's always mentioned but never done.
  2. Sakey

    this made me lol.

    Sorry mate, I agree with Kris. Not the funniest Family Guy clip. Didn' laugh at all.
  3. Sakey

    Games List?

    No, the only way is to buy them. Sorry.
  4. Sakey

    Feel the power !

    In Sions case, I agree with you :p
  5. Sakey

    Feel the power !

    Thats the thing some people have no problems with ATI. But for every 1 ATI are great story, you will find 10 ATI problem stories. If you get the card, good luck. I still recomend you go Nvidia though.
  6. Sakey

    Windows 7

    You don't really need ultramon anymore. The new dock bar has removed the need for the second task bar. As was stated though, this is beta. If you are having problems, there is a nice button on your desktop called "Send Feedback" :p
  7. Sakey

    Windows 7

    And you spent it on a Mac????? Stu don't look now but the men in white coats are comming :p
  8. Sakey

    Windows 7

    It's a Macbook, not a pro but tbh the OS is the same on both of them. It's a 2008 model.
  9. Sakey

    Windows 7

    I can tell you for a fact that is crap :p My girlfriend has a macbook and it does crash, maybe not that often but forced reboots are part of mac life as well :p Mark, if you can wait till LAN you can see it running.
  10. Sakey

    Windows 7

    Actually OSX has one good thing....garageband. Other than that I generally dislike OSX. All the bits that were ok or decent, microsoft included in Windows 7 :p
  11. Sakey

    Happy Birthday Sion (Prism/Castiana)

    If the story involves Sion, nothings long /flee
  12. Sakey

    Feel the power !

    It's an ATI card :p
  13. Sakey

    Windows 7

    I'm not being an m$ fanboy. I hate vista. It is sluggish, uses WAY too much resources and UAC (as much as it could be disabled) was an utter pain. I am asking as I am honestly impressed by Windows 7. I am currently using it as my main OS on my gaming box and I am getting performance that is...
  14. Sakey


    Omg what have you done to me!!!!!!!! I'm addicted!!!!
  15. Sakey

    Windows 7

    Thing is Dex, I was the same as you. Vista is AWFUL!!! Windows 7 Beta however is, well, really good (so far)
  16. Sakey

    Boys are back in town

    Three Words: OH HELL YES!!!!
  17. Sakey

    BreachLAN 10: Seating Plan

    LOL Scott, your brother has no name.....
  18. Sakey

    Windows 7

    Anyone else going to be running the Windows 7 beta at the LAN?
  19. Sakey


    OK, I folded. Have signed up. Don't know if I will ever really use it though :p
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