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  1. BlitzThose

    BreachLAN 16 - More information about our first free LAN.

    free!, the ultimate attraction to students, we need to be spreading flyers in the colleges uni's and student bars
  2. BlitzThose

    Natural Selection 2

  3. BlitzThose

    Natural Selection 2

    latest NS2 twitter, "Uploading the NS2 Alpha Steam depot to Valve... all 1 GB of it, wish we had a faster upload speed" WOOOOOO
  4. BlitzThose

    Natural Selection 2

    tick tock tick tock....
  5. BlitzThose

    Amazing Advertising

  6. BlitzThose

    Paying for B15 on the door

    thats me out now too, going to the Talisman Claymore tomorrow now as someones pulled a sickie, no wonder the place is a fucking vipers nest
  7. BlitzThose


    I never realised you were indian :p
  8. BlitzThose

    Breachlan 15 Games List

    it also requires source 2007 sdk, so you need to run the game frist and that will initiate the download, or just get it from the library/tools page on steam
  9. BlitzThose

    Breachlan 15 Games List

    id like to suggest Firearms: source just got released a couple of days ago. and is surprisingly good
  10. BlitzThose

    Think Apple will Sue KFC for this?

  11. BlitzThose

    ONE WEEK to GO!!!

    ubisoft suck big floppy donkey dongle
  12. BlitzThose

    ONE WEEK to GO!!!

    would i be correct in assuming that we will have a projector, it would be wrong to play Risk 2 without one :)
  13. BlitzThose

    YeeHaa @ Breach15

    I have some glenfiddich 12yo in the back of a cupboard somewhere... If we are having a drinking game we may aswell start with the good stuff :)
  14. BlitzThose

    ONE WEEK to GO!!!

    if in doubt get a zimmer frame
  15. BlitzThose

    Paying for B15 on the door

    ill pay at door assuming work does not get in the way
  16. BlitzThose

    another FREE ramdom parts clear out

    lol i hope thats not your card
  17. BlitzThose

    Steam Sale

    or remove them from your hdd when your finished with them.
  18. BlitzThose

    another FREE ramdom parts clear out

    nah cant sell the other lappy as I needed it for a spare machine for myself, as the only other computers I had was a couple of amiga's :p
  19. BlitzThose

    another FREE ramdom parts clear out

    ok not going to the montrose on monday now, going to a FPSO on wednesday instead
  20. BlitzThose

    another FREE ramdom parts clear out

    also ill be on the talisman montrose from monday, for a week so if anyone else wants stuff from this thread get it on sunday or you have to wait a week to pick it up. just pm me and ill pas on collection info.
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