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  1. BlitzThose

    fecking ash cloud

    meant to be coming home today from the piper/saltire, seems ill be stuck here till tomorrow at least though :( ah well just means a little less pay for sitting on me arse, coming off after 2 weeks and getting paid for 3 weeks :p
  2. BlitzThose

    Breachlan trip to i40

    tempted although ive no idea how my rota will be working out, seems ill be on all or most of wood groups shut down jobs this year starting with a 3 weeker nightshift on the piper bravo tomorrow :( i suppose ill have to use some holidays, something i do rarely
  3. BlitzThose

    The Digital Economy Act 2010

    shame about the spelling
  4. BlitzThose

    Breach 14 pics

    i hope she was worth it pal...
  5. BlitzThose

    L4d2 lan - this sunday

    in the end it only took a few hours, changed the download location to poland and was getting 200kb/s compared to the uk's 6kb/s at that time
  6. BlitzThose

    L4d2 lan - this sunday

    steaming pile of shite 6 kb/s, valve go fuck a dsl pipe
  7. BlitzThose

    L4d2 lan - this sunday

    im defo coming
  8. BlitzThose

    3 Word Story

    dump on clegg
  9. BlitzThose

    US Ordering

    asus laptops are extremely reliable and were even rated best in a recent laptop manufacturer survey ahead of even toshiba, so its a safe bet you will never have to use one of there warrentys. however alienwares/dells repair service has impressed me since i had to use them a few months back to...
  10. BlitzThose

    Natural Selection 2

    its open to pre orders
  11. BlitzThose

    Natural Selection 2

  12. BlitzThose

    Natural Selection 2

    UWE released a engine test on friday, a pre-alpha build of the game with only basic functionality to gauge how it runs on a large selection of hardware to help them with the optimisation process. pre-alpha screens, sorry for windowed mode screens would not cap in full screen start menu...
  13. BlitzThose

    So who's still playing?

  14. BlitzThose

    Breachlan 14 - What Next ?

    assuming im not offshore at the time ill be there, and my tmp will be ready to mash all your faces up again...
  15. BlitzThose

    So who's still playing?

    the next great northern war is upon us, with the majority of the southern alliances having been spotted moving vast numbers of ships to staging areas in or around pure blind it would seem that we have a matter of days before all out war commences and that pure blind will be the focus of the...
  16. BlitzThose

    So who's still playing?

    2 nc fleets say hello to each other
  17. BlitzThose

    So who's still playing?

    after a month of gencide against the russians Vanguard Success List Red Army have lost: 3 large amarr towers - destroyed 1 large amarr tower - stolen 4 corporations! 1 carrier - afk outside a pos, hot dropped 1 carrier - titan sniped IAC have lost: 1 Large caldari tower -...
  18. BlitzThose now have Aberdeen Server!!!

    no point me testing mine ive been capped during peak for the next month, due to my downloading addiction, 200gb so far this month :p
  19. BlitzThose

    So who's still playing?

    had good fun last night with 200 friends took my phoenix out for a spin to bash pos' and i-hubs left right and centre. gonna be a busy weekend for us in pureblind DeepBlue or anyone else for that matter you can reach me in game on Sweetface, and sure we dont mind if you join us and cant do...
  20. BlitzThose

    So who's still playing?

    nice to see you guys are still playing eve. my alliance had a titan kill at the end of january :D was awesome. if your looking for a alliance to join i can put in a good word for your corp if you like. Kill vid with commentary
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