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  1. Sakey

    Happy Birthday Sam

    Good she can finally buy all of US a drink then :p
  2. Sakey

    Sat 24th of March 2007

    Well this will be the second time for me as I am going on Friday.... I will let you know if it is worth it :p
  3. Sakey

    Sat 24th of March 2007

    It can't be. I am booked up for the next few weeks. Plus people have train tickets booked.
  4. Sakey

    Which Games should be organised at BL6?

    ZeroG hit the nail on the head. Max players for any RTS I can think of is 8 That doesn't bode well for the idea of big organised games where everyone can join in. There actucally aren't any other genres of games other than FPS that work in that situation. Even Flatout 2 only has 8 players...
  5. Sakey

    Sat 24th of March 2007

    I aint drinking either. Infact I am taking Sam + Scott (ProfLiebstrom) back to fife at 3am when mosh closes. I have the final floorball tournament of the year on the sunday at 9 am :(
  6. Sakey

    Which Games should be organised at BL6?

    Some Ideas - For these to work we need EVERYONE to join in. I know you don't all like all of these games, but give them a try anyway. Some games like CS (which can be shit online) are much better when played with a group of friends. Heres the list (we won't do all of these, not enough time but...
  7. Sakey

    I would like a large pissup in april

    Should be able to make that :)
  8. Sakey

    My thoughts on the LAN

    Nicely put Olap. We did try that. We decided on the times for the tournament and the insta game on the Friday night and I yelled out to everyone to make sure they had UT installed and that we were gonna try and run it at 11 Two things got in the way. 1) I was ignored (nothing new there) 2)...
  9. Sakey

    Which Games should be organised at BL6?

    Thats not bad at all :) Just hope steam(ing pile of shit) works this time
  10. Sakey

    My thoughts on the LAN

    Ok, Thanks for comming everyone. Another enjoyable (read stressful) LAN. In answer to some of the questions. Tesco Run: Tescos was closed at nights due to refurbishement. Out of our control unfortunatly. Internet: Internet is a privalage not a right :p In all seriousness though, it is being...
  11. Sakey

    Happy Birthday.......

    BreachLAN :D It was one year ago this weekend that BreachLAN 1 was held. 1 year on and we are older, wiser and having even better LAN parties. A big thank you to everyone that has come to the events and made BreachLAN what it is :D
  12. Sakey


    I have it :) Though I suck at it :(
  13. Sakey

    Games you want to play.

    I was actually considering seeing if I could get people playing 1942.
  14. Sakey

    Games you want to play.

    After a couple of people asking "So what games will be played" I am doing a post to get people to list the games they want to play at the LAN. I will use everyone suggestions to make the list. Obviously any game can be played but it will give people a better idea. I'll start us off UT2k4...
  15. Sakey


    I'm Sparticus...... Oh wait, wrong thread.
  16. Sakey

    First post

    Now, to edit Jisms post or not.....that is the question
  17. Sakey

    Happy Birthday PseudoPreak

    Bit late I know but Happy Birthday Mate
  18. Sakey

    Battlefield 2142

    Lets all go back and play BF 1942 insted :) Now THERE was a game
  19. Sakey

    Breachlan 4

    Good luck with Kev. According to Kev now the only good gaming experience is Xbox 360 :|
  20. Sakey

    Card Table

    As it says in the topic. The card table wasn't used (for cards anyway). Is this wanted at the next event?
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