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  1. Skull

    BreachLAN Game Night - Team Fortress 2 - Weds 20th

    C'mmmmonnnnnnnnnn :P
  2. Skull

    BreachLAN Game Night - Team Fortress 2 - Weds 20th

    Date: Wednesday 20th July Time: 8pm onwards Where: (BreachLAN Public TF2 Server) Let's have our next game night on wednesday night! For best lulz, come on mumble too! :D
  3. Skull

    Why Hello There

    You're gonna fit in just fine then :D
  4. Skull

    Why Hello There

    Welcome dude, Look forward to gaming with you! :)
  5. Skull

    I haz sadz!!

    Hope you get everything cleared up, Fay. Will see ya at breach 19 then :)
  6. Skull

    The 4GHz Club.

    Aye, but you're all on quad cores. I'm on an e6750, so dual core for me
  7. Skull

    BreachLAN 18 - Big Games and Tournies

    Not a tournament at this event, however there will be big games of cod4 as it is a really popular game at events
  8. Skull

    The 4GHz Club.

    My puny chip only does 3 -sadface-
  9. Skull

    Good Evening

    I do hope you read what you signed up for, in the Ts&Cs :P
  10. Skull

    DrumLAN# 7

    Unfortunately, will be in middle of moving over both of those dates, so wont be able to make it :( Oh well, roll on the next breach!
  11. Skull

    BreachLAN 18 Saturday Night Pizza Order

    XXL ATC Big Smokey + cheesy jalopeno bites please :)
  12. Skull

    Respawn Entertainment

    I've been reading around a bit tonight, and found good news for FPS gaming - Respawn Entertainment, made up of mainly ex-call of duty staff (at least 40 people from infinity ward joined RE). They ARE working on a new game, however it is going to be a long way off for the moment. Also, reading on...
  13. Skull

    Guild Wars

    Dex is away at the moment, so he wont be around on sunday
  14. Skull

    Battle of Bel'shir is awesome

    Yarr, a good night of this would be brilliant :D
  15. Skull

    Happy birthday zerog!

    Sorry for the lateness, wasn't really online much yesterday, but happy birthday nontheless, dude! :)
  16. Skull

    DrumLAN# 7

    I'm not sure at the moment, Would have to see closer to the time. Second dates are not for me, as that's the weekend before I move, chances are I would be busybusy
  17. Skull

    Pub Lunch 2011 ?

    Can't see any reason why not, 9th alright with people? Personally, I'll have to confirm closer to the time, that's the week where I may be away on holiday, but there's nothing booked yet, so not sure if I'll be away or not at the moment
  18. Skull

    DrumLAN #6

    Good game guys! :) Brilliant LAN was brilliant :) Thanks Dave for putting up with Harry "Foghorn" Reeder, and putting on a good lan
  19. Skull

    Pub Lunch 2011 ?

    Right guys, since the last post here was 2 weeks ago, I'd like to propose the date of Sunday 10th for the next publunch?
  20. Skull

    Not long to go now

    You'll find a decent list on the FAQ at Any others we'll let you know with enough time to get hold of them :)
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