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  1. Deep Blue

    Not long to go now guys

    I don't know about you but I am starting to get quite excited! :) For those of you who have yet to pay but intend on coming, please consider paying soon as it will save you 5 pounds over pay on the door prices of 35 pounds! This allows us to have the right numbers, gives you the option to...
  2. Deep Blue

    DayZ - our own realm?

    Hi Guys This was banded about last night over mumble but we have the option and the tools to run our own stand-alone player database. The upside of this is that we do not have to dedicate massive amounts of CPU time to running a public server. Looking at what I'd like to get out of DayZ and...
  3. Deep Blue

    Three weeks to go until BreachLAN #22

    Hello guys, just a little over three weeks to go until our next event and things are starting to get busy over at BreachLAN central! Kustom are once again providing us with some awesome prizes for this event and I think we are all looking forward to Saturday night's rock band tournament :)...
  4. Deep Blue

    Don't get yourself banned in Guildwars2!

    Newsworthy to say the least :)
  5. Deep Blue

    Return of a possible LAN staple?

    Mentlegen, Sorry I couldn't resist :) Anyhow I know most of you won't have heard of Savage but it was probably the defining game of the FPS/RTS genre. Savage2 is now free to play and I am looking for some volunteers to help check the game out before BreachLAN #22. You can grab the game...
  6. Deep Blue

    Mumble upgraded

    Hi Guys The mumble server was upgraded yesterday to the latest (1.2.4) version of mumble. This was to allow for the use of some new features including proper recording, priority speakers and a new channel layout. I am just wondering what you guys think of the new channel layout as I think we...
  7. Deep Blue

    The WarZ

    Just stumbled across this today, has anyone else seen it?
  8. Deep Blue

    One week left on the early bird

    Hi Guys Just a heads up to let you know that there is a shade under 7 days left on our early bird offer :) So what are you waiting for? Get paying guys!
  9. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Highfly!

    Happy birthday mate, hope you have a great day and don't overdo it too much! :)
  10. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday AC and Benjy

    Happy birthday to two of my oldest friends, hope you guys have a great day! :)
  11. Deep Blue

    Game nights

    Hi Guys Who fancies a return of the BreachLAN gaming nights? It's been a while since we did something like this and they always go down very well. Perhaps we should run some nominations or something for games. I know TF2 is going to be a fave as is maybe some gun game and Garrys mod? Let's...
  12. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Amadeus!

    Happy birthday Andy! I know you haven't been on here in a while but happy birthday anyhow and hope you have a great day :)
  13. Deep Blue

    Ace of Spades

    Has anyone tried it? Looks like TF2 vs Minecraft
  14. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN 21 - The good, the bad and the ugly

    Well guys, another BreachLAN is over and I'd like to everyone for coming along, we value your feedback as this helps us improve our events, please take a few minutes to have your say on how BreachLAN #21 went. The Good: Papa johns pizza King of the LAN New faces Kustom Sponsorship (thanks...
  15. Deep Blue

    Air Buccaneers HD

    You heard my folks, the staple of BreachLAN's early days has returned as a standalone game. It's currently in Alpha and is free to play. Edit: the 10,000XP challenge is still live and gives you 14 days from first log in to acquire 10,000XP. When you achieve this you get a free copy of the...
  16. Deep Blue

    One week to go!

    I guess this sort of thread is getting a bit old now, but I can't help it as I'm excited :)
  17. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Everlong!

    Happy birthday mate, you kept that one quiet ;) Hope you have a great day!
  18. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Bloodnok

    Happy birthday dude, hope you have a great day!
  19. Deep Blue

    Terms and Conditions update

    Hi Guys Just to let you know that the I have updated / added the following pages to the website. FAQ Terms and Conditions What to Bring Participants' Agreement The main revisions to this are spectators, multiple monitors and server co-location. Please try and remember your 4-way power...
  20. Deep Blue

    Small website update

    Hi Guys For those of you who have a habit of checking the site daily this might be old news for you by now, but for the rest of us I just wanted to make sure you guys knew about the latest round of updates. As you can see it's a few new pages that have been added to the FAQ section including a...
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