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  1. Deep Blue

    Lost and Found

    Hi Guys Someone left a black medium sized jacket with hood near the back of hall / bar area. I have taken it home with me and is available for collection. Please post here / drop me a PM to arrange collection. Else it'll be going to a charity shop in a month's time. Cheers :)
  2. Deep Blue

    I'm at the LAN!

    First ;)
  3. Deep Blue

    Please run all games before pack down!

    I clicked play on TF2 and was greeted by this! Please make sure you run all your games before pack down! :)
  4. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Hexxy!

    Happy birthday you old dog! You kept that one quiet but Uncle Dex knows all:) Hope you have a great day and I wish you many happy returns! Cheers! :)
  5. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #25 official games list

    Mentlegen! The time has arrived to announce the games list, okay I know it's a little bit late and I apologise for that! As always this list is not exhaustive but please get these installed and be ready and willing to play as these will guarantee you a fun weekend :) Some steam backups /...
  6. Deep Blue

    Does anyone have a spare adsl2 router or wifi card/dongle?

    Hi Guys I'm on the look out for a loan / purchase of the above, can anyone help? Cheers :)
  7. Deep Blue

    Early bird ends tonight guys :)

    Make sure you pay tonight to enjoy your early bird discount (it ends midnight tonight) That is all :)
  8. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Coob!

    Happy birthday Coob! Hope you have a great day! (and post more!)
  9. Deep Blue

    TF2 Games Night 6th of April

    Hi Guys A little advanced notice of a planned TF2 games night be on Mumble for around 7pm with games looking to begin immediately after that until late :)
  10. Deep Blue

    Gathering the games list for BreachLAN 25

    Hi Guys I am going to try something different for this LAN, I feel that the structure we followed (Big games, plenty of encouragement to come to the LAN installed, patched and ready to play) worked wonders for keeping down time to a minimum. Please please please ensure your games are installed...
  11. Deep Blue

    New game server and playtest thread

    Hi Guys I think we are in a position to test the new games server. Going with the PKServers naming convention the next server is called Gimli :) Gimli is currently running Chivalry, Killing Floor, Left 4 Dead2 and CS:GO All servers can be found via the in-game browser if you search for...
  12. Deep Blue

    Games night

    Hi Guys Just a reminder to say that this will be happening, unfortunately real life always has to take priority over this. But I am however able to tell you that I am nearly finished with the new game server and will be looking for some victims to help load tonight :) If you are interested...
  13. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Robski!

    Happy birthday fella, hope you have a great day and also I hope to see you at the next LAN! :)
  14. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Sinner!

    Happy birthday mate! Hope you have a good day and we all hope to see you at an event soon :)
  15. Deep Blue

    So there's this thing called mumble

    I hear it's pretty good, BreachLAN also has a mumble server open for all to use. It's been a lonely place the past couple of weeks, how comes?
  16. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN 25

    Friday the 3rd of May at 4pm and the network will be shutdown on the 6th of May at 4pm Prices are £25 for the entire weekend (early bird ends Apr 5th) and increasing to £30 thereafter and £35 on the door. I strongly recommend you book early to get your pick of the seats as we are expected to...
  17. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #24 - The good, the bad and the ugly

    Hi Guys Thank you all for coming and I hope everyone had a great weekend. This thread is a bit of a tradition now and is really important as it helps us host a better party next time. The staff do read every post in the forums and pay particular attention to this thread. If you only reply to...
  18. Deep Blue

    Thank you!

    Thank you all for coming to BreachLAN! It would not be a party without you guys and I enjoyed seeing all of you again :) Thank you to everyone who donated prizes for the raffle including the most righteous Kustom PC. Funds raised will be put straight back in to improving the LAN for next time...
  19. Deep Blue

    It's nearly here!

    The hum of computers, the cheers of winners and also Gemini's early morning cry to "Get in the f**king safe room!" Don't forget to RUN all the games you wish to play at the LAN before you pack down, we will have steam backups but 90% of boring downtime at LAN's is due to the lack of having...
  20. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN 24 official games list

    Hi Guys Sorry for the delay in getting this up, but hopefully this is enough notice to get your PC ready for the LAN. Please ensure you play test any games that you wish to play before you pack down as we've all managed to get caught out by that old chestnut before! Anyhow let's get on to...
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