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  1. Deep Blue

    Raffle time

    Hi Guys Just a quickie to let you know that we will be running a raffle at BreachLAN #24 and already have some groovy items in the draw including goodies from our most excellent sponsor Kustom :) We are however always in need of more raffle items and need your help, your continued generosity...
  2. Deep Blue

    Five weeks to go

    Hi Guys This is just a gentle reminder that our early bird offer ends next midnight next Friday :) Season tickets are still available (please start a conversation with me if you wish to purchase) Don't forget that this is a 72 hour event and we boy have we got some plans for you guys to...
  3. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Grogers

    Happy birthday buddy! Hope you have a good day :-)
  4. Deep Blue

    Merry Christmas

    Hi Guys Would just like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas tomorrow and if you would like me to post a link to my steam wishlist, please start a conversation with me :) I am thinking we should arrange to have a games week in the new year to help blow off the old cobwebs, consider this...
  5. Deep Blue

    Hexxy I saw this thread and thought of you!

    6 PPC Stalker of ownage, sufficed to say a 60 damage alpha strike. I think I will have to try this out myself :)
  6. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN 24

    Friday the 8th of February at 4pm and the network will be shutdown on the 11th of February at 4pm Prices are £25 for the entire weekend (early bird ends Jan 11th) and increasing to £30 thereafter and £35 on the door. I strongly recommend you book early to get your pick of the seats as we are...
  7. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #23 feedback response

    Hi Guys I think it's about time we lock the feedback thread and start to respond to your comments from BreachLAN #23 :) I will try and outline and respond to the majority of the points raised, please remember that although we cannot respond to every comment on an individual basis we do read...
  8. Deep Blue


    Hello buddy, I saw this and thought of you!
  9. Deep Blue

    Happy Birthday Pompeg!

    Happy birthday, hope you have a great day!
  10. Deep Blue

    Happy Birthday MadMan!

    Happy Birthday Stu! Hope you have a great day bud :)
  11. Deep Blue

    If you haven't packed up yet and wish to play CS:GO then update your game!

    Good old Valve have release a large(ish) (180MB) patch and you'd be doing us a favour if you updated before you attended the LAN tonight :) Cheers guys and hope to see you all tonight!
  12. Deep Blue

    Christmas night out 2012

    It's about that time of year again guys, I'm thinking Mad friday (21st December) for an evening of food and beverages. It's a bit short notice and we might end up with a KFC mountain of chicken but it should be a good laugh. If you guys could start thinking about making plans then that would be...
  13. Deep Blue

    Laptop users please read

    Hi Guys I know that this is old news for some of you but I am re-posting for the benefit of everyone who is attending or is planning to attend our next event BreachLAN #23. You absolutely must have a laptop cooler or some form of heat resistant mat to protect the venue's tables, this is part...
  14. Deep Blue

    We do this for fun

    Hi Guys Recently there have been some rather disappointing and downright disrespectful events happening on and around our community. Please remember that we run BreachLAN for fun and that a lot of our own time and money goes in to making this work. There will be some new terms and conditions...
  15. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday PseudoPhreak

    Happy birthday buddy, hope you have a great day!
  16. Deep Blue

    Movember, it's about that time again!

    Excuse the blatent copy and paste, it is a great laugh and we can have a chortle at each other at the LAN as well! Who's in? Hi, I’ve registered for Movember and pledged to grow a moustache for 30 days to raise funds and awareness for men’s health. This year, we honour the great men who have...
  17. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Blackice

    Happy birthday dude, hope you have a great day!
  18. Deep Blue

    New staff member

    Dear All It gives me great pleasure to formally welcome Grogers126 to our team, Grogers126 or "dod" as he insists we call him will continue to be a pillar of our online community but will also help us provide a better gaming experience for everyone both on and offline. Cheers!
  19. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN 22 photos

    Hi Guys As Greg mentioned at the event, if you took event photos, please post them to our Facebook timeline and we'll do the rest :) Cheers Dexter
  20. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN 22 Summary

    Hi Guys I hope you all had a great time at BreachLAN #22, signups are now live for BreachLAN #23 as you can see a few addicts have already signed up! We (The Staff) are very keen to find out how you thought our last event went, we welcome all constructive criticism in our "The Good, The Bad and...
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