Search results

  1. Deep Blue

    Asleep at the wheel!

  2. Deep Blue

    Wanted: LGA775 motherboard

    Hi Guys, Can anyone help me out here? A friend of mine is looking for one of these for a Core2Duo system. Open to offers :)
  3. Deep Blue

    Mumble server is down at the moment

    Sorry about this folks, more info to follow shortly. Got a ticket in with the service provider :)
  4. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday BreachLAN!

    Hi Guys, On the 17th of February 2006 a crack team of former ScotLAN punters decided to pick up where ScotLAN had left off, 8 years later we're still going from strength to strength. BreachLAN's birthday falls on the weekend of BreachLAN #28, I think it would be great to gather up event...
  5. Deep Blue

    New mumble server

    Hi Guys Due to a restructure of our servers I've built a new mumble server. This should hopefully mean that those funny voice codec issues are a thing of the past. All connection details will remain the same however you will need to re-register your account and some settings may be different...
  6. Deep Blue

    Steam Deal Just cause 2 is CHEAP at the moment guys!

    Game on it's own is £1.99 Game plus all the DLC is £4
  7. Deep Blue

    Payments are open

    Might be worth mentioning that also :)
  8. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN 28

    Friday the 14th of February at 4pm and the network will be shutdown on the 17th of February at 4pm. Prices are £25 for the entire weekend (early bird ends 10th Dec) and increasing to £30 thereafter and £35 on the door. I strongly recommend you book early to get your pick of the seats as we are...
  9. Deep Blue

    PM system is broken at the moment

    Hi Guys Just a heads up that the PM system won't actually let you send any new pm's, it's being worked on and I'll be posting an update soon but I don't expect to have it working before the upcoming LAN. Cheers and thanks for your patience in the matter :)
  10. Deep Blue

    The official BreachLAN #27 games list

    Hi Guys Please note that a timetable will follow this listing and will be posted in due course :) Going by the fact that November is our shortest LAN of the year, it is crucial to be extra prepared and get all those games purchased and/or installed *before* you pack down. Without further...
  11. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #27

    Hi Guys, Just a short note to apologise for not including the start or finish times for this event, this post should answer some of those questions :) The LAN runs from 4 pm on Friday the 8th of Nov and the network will be shutdown on Sunday the 10th of November at 4 pm. A games list will...
  12. Deep Blue

    Sure is quiet in here tonight

    Me and Flukes are having an awesome evening on mumble, and you guys are missing out :P That is all! :)
  13. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Highfly!

    Happy birthday buddy, hope you have a great day! :)
  14. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday AC!

    Happy birthday dude! Hope you have a great day :)
  15. Deep Blue

    Signature sizes

    Hi Guys This is just a friendly reminder that we all browse the forums for content and not to read people's signatures. Can I remind you to please keep these to a sensible size otherwise we reserve the right to modify and remove the signature feature. Cheers!
  16. Deep Blue

    First post from LAN :)

    Hello folks and welcome If you've not already found us on facebook, please consider liking us :)
  17. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Binky!

    Happy birthday dude hope you have a great day! :)
  18. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #26 News thread

    Hey Guys Please check back to this thread as I'd like to keep it as a place to post important updates on the latest incarnation of BreachLAN! Two weeks to go and things are starting to hot up here at BreachLAN central! Kustom are on board offering free delivery to the LAN and will be sending...
  19. Deep Blue

    Chivalry tonight anyone?

    Who's up for a kick about tonight? :) Thanks to everyone for TF2 last night, it was enjoyable as always!
  20. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN 26 Early Bird

    Hi Guys Just a reminder that we are doing things a bit differently this LAN with regard to the Early Bird. It will transform in to an incentive to pay early as we were very close to "sold out" at the last event with no provision for extra accommodation for folks paying on the door! We will...
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