Search results

  1. Deep Blue

    Event server information

    Hi Guys, Listed here are the local services running at this event and their addresses (at the moment) Mumble - connect to "mumble" Most game servers run on Ripley, these should be searchable in game however if they are not, then the staff will direct you to this post :) Any questions...
  2. Deep Blue

    Games nominations

    Hi Guys, I thought it's about time to get some nominations in, I am going to try and construct some sort of a poll based on responses. The rules: Games must be multiplayer or multi-seat (for example Gangbeasts) Free games will outrank paid for games This is in addition to any tournaments...
  3. Deep Blue

    Take a look at "Case Simulator 2"

    I randomly stumbled upon probably the best android game out there! Yet to try it out but it sounds amusing and appeals to my sense of humour! ☺ Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  4. Deep Blue

    One week remains on Early Bird

    Hi Guys, I know that some of you may be sitting on the fence waiting to see who signs up before committing, however this hurts everyone. Please show your interest by signing up. I have seen this happen in the past when loads of people waited to see what happened and it lead to poor numbers at...
  5. Deep Blue

    Welcome mintR!

    Hi All, As some of you might of noticed mintR is wearing the red staff colours on the forums, as per usual I'm late to the party in getting posts done. However, please welcome mintR on board :)
  6. Deep Blue

    Logie Durno Hall Quiz Night 18th September 2015

    Hi Guys, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in coming along to this? It's to help for raising funds to continue to improve the hall. Doors open at 7pm, quiz starts at half 7. Max of 6 people per team and it's £12 entry per team. As usual the bar will be available and it's a case...
  7. Deep Blue

    Games night Saturday 29th August

    Hi guys, Another chance to meet up on mumble at 8ish to chew the fat and get some games in. Hope to see you online! Cheers, Dex
  8. Deep Blue

    Games night - 6/8/15

    Hi Guys, This marks the return of our regular games nights, nothing too crazy just a night where we can get together on mumble and chew the fat. The fun starts from 8pm 'till late(ish) Suggestions welcome to get us kick started. I'll leave you with my suggestion of dirt showdown :)
  9. Deep Blue

    Let's get this party started

    Hi guys, Pretty sure I've posted something similar in the past however I believe it's time to post it again :) This party relies solely on word of mouth, friends bringing friends however I think that with a lack of regular social events we've kind of lost focus on staying together as a group...
  10. Deep Blue

    Games night?

    Hey guys, Who fancies another games night? I appreciate that most folks are busy but do you think that perhaps two weeks notice is adequate to arrange something for a weeknight for a quick blast of something? Answers on a post card please (or this thread ;) )
  11. Deep Blue

    Clash of Clans

    Hi guys, A few of us have installed this on our smart devices and have decided to give it a bit of a casual spin. If you are interested in joining the great crusade then you need to search for BreachLAN in game and apply to join the clan where an elder will approve your membership if we...
  12. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN 33 - Official Games List

    Hi Folks, Firstly thank you to everyone who took the time to vote, we've had some great suggestions for games to play at the next event! Although we'll make every effort to get these cached before the event we cannot guarantee it. Please make sure you are installed and ready to go before pack...
  13. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN 33 - Official games nomination thread

    Hi Guys, With a couple of weeks remaining until the kick off of our spring event, it's time to get the games nominations rolling in. Voting will close Midnight Friday (17th of April) Firstly the rules Anyone can nominate a game although it would be more meaningful for those attending to...
  14. Deep Blue

    So what do you guys want to see at the next event?

    Just thinking about how quickly these events always tend to creep up, I'd like to add my two cents and suggest at least another big game of Chivalry :) (Sorry!) Suggestions, game nominations and tournaments suggestions welcome.
  15. Deep Blue

    Important - Gents toilets at this event

    Hi Guys, Following on from this thread, there has been another incident involving the male toilets. I am sorely disappointed in the toilet skills exhibited by some of the male participants, I was so hopeful that this was an issue that was not going to be repeated. The toilet in question has...
  16. Deep Blue

    Nearly time guys!

    It's nearly time for the final installment of BreachLAN history for 2014, please make sure you've got all your games in order before pack down, and remember important items such as monitors :) See you all Friday afternoon, from 4pm!
  17. Deep Blue

    Where are all the photos at?

    Please post photos / links to photos of BreachLAN 30 here :) Please may we use them on our internets and give us permission to use them? :D Cheers!
  18. Deep Blue

    Happy birthday Flukes!

    Happy birthday young man! Hope you're having a great day! :D
  19. Deep Blue

    Website upgrade

    Hi Guys, Some of you might be wondering why we've been so quiet, the reason being we're in the midst of a website upgrade which should make the site a bit more sweet for all. I'm going to be taking the forums offline shortly, so if it's gone, you'll know why :) See you on the other side!
  20. Deep Blue

    Important - Please read

    I’ve had some feedback from the hall with regard to the state that the men’s toilets were left in after the last event. At some point during the event someone thought it would be a really great idea to substitute paper hand towels for bog roll. I don’t know how many of you are particularly...
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