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  1. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #44

    Hi Guys, Welcome to our first event of 2018! This is your go-to forum post for event information. This will be updated in due course as the event approaches. Important links (coming soon) Facebook Event Page Official Games List Event Schedule Pizza Order Please note that if you have any...
  2. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #43 - The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

    Thanks once again for attending BreachLAN! We hope you had a great weekend's gaming. We strive to deliver the best possible experience, but the only way we can do this is via feedback from yourselves. To that end, please can you copy and complete the below, alternatively drop me a PM with...
  3. Deep Blue

    Website PayPal Issue

    Hi Guys, Just to let you know that there are issues with PayPal telling us when you've paid. I will be checking the account and marking people as paid manually until this is resolved. I'll check in on this daily so that you guys aren't too delayed with grabbing seats etc :) Cheers!
  4. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #43 Draft Games List

    Hey folks, this is by no means an exhaustive list of games for the next event, if you've got LAN-Friendly suggestions then drop those suggestions below :) I'd strongly recommend getting any Blizzard games installed before pack down as these often do not cache correctly with our event cache...
  5. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #43

    Hi Guys, Just a quick placeholder to say that payments are now open for our final event of 2017, event information such as pizza, schedules and a supported games list will appear here shortly. :) Facebook Event Page Pizza Orders
  6. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #42 Games List

    Hi Guys, Here's the supported games list, this will be available from our event cache. Having said that, please do try and get stuff installed before pack down as some of the games are rather large! :) I'd strongly recommend getting any Blizzard games installed before pack down as these often...
  7. Deep Blue

    The return of games night

    Hi Guys, I'm looking to resurrect games nights, I'm thinking that we could start with a monthly event. Happy to run gameservers as well as some sort of stats plugins for supporting games (thinking TF2, CSGO). I'll leave a few suggestions here but I will leave this thread open for game...
  8. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #42 - The Big Information Thread

    Hi Guys, Here's the info for BreachLAN #42 please keep checking back often as this thread will be updated as we prepare for our scorching summer LAN! August 4th 4pm to the 7th 2016 4pm Facebook Event Page Pizza orders Supported games list for event Event schedule - Will be posted at Event...
  9. Deep Blue

    Thanks for coming guys

    Hi Guys, Just a very quick post to say thank you to everyone that came along, it was great to meet you Bman! I think that a good weekend was had by all as I saw plenty of gaming going on. :) Gutted we couldn't run Mortal Kombat due to Greg's projector dying, here's to next time. It wouldn't...
  10. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #41 Pizza orders

    Hi Guys, Just a wee heads up to say that the pizza orders are now open! Pizza orders will close Wednesday the 12th of April - there will be no exceptions :) Any questions, please reply to this thread with them before Wednesday the 12th of April.
  11. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #41 - The Big Information Thread

    Hi Guys, BreachLAN #41 April 14th 2pm to the 17th 2016 4pm Facebook Event Page Pizza orders Supported games list for event (coming soon) Event schedule (coming soon) As mentioned above please keep checking back for further information!
  12. Deep Blue

    Pizza orders now open

    Hi Guys, Just to let you know that the pizza orders are now open! Happy ordering :) Pizza orders will close 8th of February - There will be no exceptions :)
  13. Deep Blue

    Games list

    Hi Guys, Just a quick post to say that we will be publishing the games list for the upcoming event very soon :)
  14. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #40 - The Big Information Thread

    Hi Guys, It's been a while since we've published a go-to forum post with all the event specific information in one place so I thought I'd give it another try. This post will evolve over the coming weeks and it should be considered a work in progress so please check back often :) BreachLAN #40...
  15. Deep Blue

    Games night - Thursday 22nd of December

    Hey guys, It's been quite some time since we pulled everyone together for an evening, totally open to suggestions on what we do :) I bought R6 Siege in the sale though, just saying!
  16. Deep Blue

    Games List

    Hi Guys, This was created but never published, stuff should be cached if not please see a member of staff for a steam backup! For those of you who are observant enough you will notice that it's exactly the same as our previous event but we felt that November traditionally is our more casual...
  17. Deep Blue

    Pizza orders

    Hi Guys, Just a note to let you know that the Domino's pizza orders are now open :)
  18. Deep Blue

    BreachLAN #39 The Big Information Thread

    Hi Guys, It's been a while since we've published a go-to forum post with all the event specific information in one place so I thought I'd give it another try. This post will evolve over the coming weeks and it should be considered a work in progress so please check back often :) BreachLAN #39...
  19. Deep Blue

    KF2 Versus Mode

    Who's up for giving this a go seeing as it's just been released in the latest patch?
  20. Deep Blue

    Teamspeak at the event

    Hi Guys, As we've shifted our internet voice comms to Teamspeak, this has been reflected in the services being provided at this event. As a reminder all you need to do is connect to the server called "teamspeak" any problems? Please see a member of staff :)
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