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  1. coob


    Yeah, give them a phone in advance or pop in past, VUE or Cineworld?
  2. coob

    Aberdeen Beer Festival 20th/21st of May

    Saturday is probably the only time I'd manage.
  3. coob

    Franken PC Emulation station/console corner

    Good day! I'll be bringing along my Franken PC for next LAN to hopefully play some big screen games since I enjoyed it so much last LAN. Currently I have all consoles below Xbox 360 and PS3 working (Wii is probs a no go cause of the controllers). I shouldn't need any controllers for 4 player...
  4. coob


    Yuup, will be going to see it anyway. It's June 10th which is a Friday, how does the Saturday sound?
  5. coob

    Got PSX emulation working on the retro-box! Now to get snes/nes working...

    Got PSX emulation working on the retro-box! Now to get snes/nes working...
  6. coob

    March Pub Lunch Sign Up....

    Think I should make this, having trouble getting transport since i'm out drinking the night before!
  7. coob


    10/10 would watch again!
  8. coob


    Was thinking meet at 5:30-6pm if we want supper first then the 7pm showing?
  9. coob

    The Good, The Bad, The Casti

    Good: - RvB games were mostly balanced and fun, glad we got to play awesomenauts and hope to see some of you around playing it! (Invite me if you ever need another person!). - Eventually a good mixture of games were played for RVB. - 10 years of BreachLAN, cake was amazing and i'm glad we got to...
  10. coob


    Fancy tonight? I would need to go for supper in union sq first. TIMES TONIGHT: 18:00 19:00 20:30 21:30
  11. coob


  12. coob


    Would people be interested in a 3v3 Awesomenauts tourney? I would be able to set it up with spectator mode if enough people are interested. (Probably minimum 2 teams per colour).
  13. coob

    The Good The Bad and The Casti

    Good TF2 Tournament was fun Dominoes Fireworks (particularly the last one) Awards for tourneys, great job guys! Dod's Sausage (and bacon) Have you SEEN sock's PC case?!?!? Banana! - Juggling bad ass with apples, fire, steel rules. Bad Not enough games with everyone involved! Games that should...
  14. coob

    Xmas Party Sign up......

    Sweet, see you then!
  15. coob

    Xmas Party Sign up......

    Still open for sign ups?
  16. coob

    September Pub Lunch

    Can't make it to this :< will be away!
  17. coob

    Dundunduuuuunnnn Xmas Partaaay!

    Bowling gets my vote +1
  18. coob

    Weekly D&D/Board Games

    Haha, sounds awesome. Is there any open slots? I didn't realise you went ahead with this :D
  19. coob

    Weekly D&D/Board Games

    Did anything happen with this?
  20. coob

    Games night?

    Its all good! Everyone had a great time! maybe a little more warning next time and were golden!
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