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  1. coob

    Games night?

    I can take the wheel so to say yeah! Download that for Tomorrow peeps! I'll try and poke as many people as possible tonight!
  2. coob

    Games night?

    This Friday?! around 6pm till whenever?
  3. coob

    Let's get this party started

    Hehe totally not yet :P need to book soon though! Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
  4. coob

    Games night?

    Double action boogaloo! this Friday?!
  5. coob

    Let's get this party started

    Actually bringing a friend! woop woop!
  6. coob

    Weekly D&D/Board Games

    I would totally be up for this sporadically, I tend to be home (turriff) most Sundays but I could totally make a few in a row!
  7. coob

    Game(s) Guild Wars 2 for £8.75 from £34.99

    I actually already own this digital deluxe version, worst £50 I have ever spent. Probably got about 5 hours out of it, I would hop back in if people wanted to play though.
  8. coob

    The Good The Bad The Ugly

    The Counter-Terrorists Domino's pizza General atmosphere :) No internet drops from what I could tell L4D2 on Friday CS:GO was good Chivalry - this should totally be a staple! The Terrorists No TF2 Leaving sunday (damn timed The Würst Nothing of note
  9. coob

    Pizza Order For BreachLAN 32

    Posting so I remember ordering :D
  10. coob

    Breach32 - Supported Games List

    Did someone say Chivalry? By "half life 2 mods" does this also include source mods that are standalone (such as the hidden etc)?
  11. coob

    Death of the lan ?

    Well, I hope BreachLAN isn't going anywhere soon! The lack of LAN support really does feel like laziness on a lot of developers parts. Also the d**k move that some developers pull on people with hardly workable internet speeds is a joke (Titanfall, i'm looking at you!). Having "Superfast"...
  12. coob

    ***IMPORTANT*** BreachLAN 32 Event

    I will be coming, I'm just a sandwich that was waiting till payday. Also have a guy from work who says he will come :). OllerMANgenta will be coming also i'm guessing.
  13. coob

    Games night the return

    Pass the whisky!
  14. coob

    Player 3 has entered the game....... Finally!

    Congrats you two :)
  15. coob

    Windows 10 Preview

    Wait, when did i miss windows 9? 0_0
  16. coob


    From what i've experienced, people voting yes for the right reasons probally would have stayed in the UK and voted devomax. Even with this result it does show that near half of Scotland want some kind of change, hope we get it :D imho! The great wall of scotland will have to wait amiright?
  17. coob

    1st BreachLAN Games night

    Worst night, Horrible Experience dying... 10/10 would play again :P
  18. coob


    Nominate: Supraball Second: Halo Slayer Nominate: Fistful of frags (pass the whiskey simulator 2014)
  19. coob

    1st BreachLAN Games night

    I'll hop along for a game or two :)
  20. coob

    Pizza Order BreachLAN 31

    Just found out that dominos deliver to my hovel, I think its time for a taste test (for science ofc)
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