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  1. coob

    CS:GO Football?

    Played this tonight! Was awesome fun with only 6 people! Its surprisingly in-depth, being able to curve the ball and even put back-spin onto it! One thing to mention though, Right click to pass to the marked team mate, If they are moving then it'll predict where they will be when the ball...
  2. coob

    CS:GO Football?

    I am downloading supraball as I type this :P Anyone up for a trial tonight?
  3. coob

    Important - Please read

    I will put forward money to next event same as trkevig, this is shitty and it shouldn't happen. *agrees with blitz*
  4. coob

    Board Games

    That would be awesome! not sure if anyone else will play it though :D
  5. coob

    Board Games

    I really want to try settlers of catan! Not sure if anyone has it though :O
  6. coob

    Our plan for the future - MOAR BIG GAMES

    My list that comes to mind... I would say some starcraft stuff (Isn't the custom modes free now or somthing?) Chivalry TF2 - prophunt, 16 a side or somthing L4D2 with 32 players, 16 v 16 or all humans V super hardcore mode :D
  7. coob


    Sure i posted here at work :< Im in, as well as olleran (we need gunz though)
  8. coob

    Cosmo meal out....

    Ill go if its rescheduled and im not offshore
  9. coob

    War Commences

    Count me in!
  10. coob

    Youtube Greats

    Sequel to a very funny video XDDDDD;
  11. coob

    Cosmo meal out....

    In for now, however i shall need to confirm closer to the time :) (would have said earlier but account email activation wouldn't let me post, sowwy)
  12. coob

    Wireless Headset/Headphones!?!

    awesome, I hear good thing bout the yeti series, think my brother is going to get one. I have quite the mic setup (mic, preamp/mixer, usb soundcard a bit overkill but i like to plug my guitar in) but the usb mic's are also apparently pretty good.
  13. coob

    Happy Birthday Dod!

    Happy birthday boi! have a good one
  14. coob

    Wireless Headset/Headphones!?!

    Having trouble keeping that pesky headset off your floor/sitting on it; Professional headphone stand right there!
  15. coob


    Merry Christmas one and all, just waiting for my brother to finally wake up lol
  16. coob

    Rust- Steam Release

    Might grab it then, looks rather entertaining :P since DayZ is still quite early (at least there is no one spawning those crate with everything in them so far lol)
  17. coob

    Rust- Steam Release

    Is this game any good? I've kinda been on the fence bout this since im going to end up playing Dayz anyway :P
  18. coob

    Youtube Greats

    Didn't know it was april yet?
  19. coob

    A Foreigner Abroad

    Have fun, that van looks awesome, feel sorry for whoevers driving :p lol@blondefemale
  20. coob

    Fallout 4 teasers..

    Im waiting for the awesome remix of dat morse code :@
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