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  1. coob

    Hotline Payday

    So is this going to be hotline miami themed mission? or a single player mission inspired by hotline miami? Presume we are defo getting the bat as a melee weapon though :D
  2. coob

    Chivalry: Complete pack

    For anyone who doesn't have this yet only £5.40! Oh and links to deadliest warrior for anyone that has the base game;
  3. coob

    As Someone Who Has Never Been

    Boring times at the moment :P Minecraft, Dawngate and Heartstone most days. Hop onto mumble before LAN and say hi to everyone!
  4. coob

    Game(s) Bundle Stars

    Hmm, Might get this just for orbital gear, Looks like an awesome game!
  5. coob

    As Someone Who Has Never Been

    Welcome! Any other regular games you play? See you at the breach :)
  6. coob

    NO MINTR????

    Oh good, I wont die as much in FPS'S :D (Love you Mintr :p) Sucks though :<
  7. coob

    BL31 Kitchen

    I usually bring ma own cup/knifes/forks the only thing I use is the small plates (cause who eats pies out of a paper bag!?) certainly make sure I wash them though! It's not hard!
  8. coob

    BreachLAN 30 - The Theme

    Im not sure if its a mod, but imagine UT grassyknoll with persistant death bodys, play until we cant see between the corpses!
  9. coob

    BreachLAN 30 - The Theme

    Hidden in plain sight is a great party game for this! (again supraball) Gang beasts and fistfull of frags are great options! (also awesomenauts)
  10. coob

    BreachLAN 30 - The Theme

    Supraball fits the bill perfectly! Hopefully the teams turn out a little more balanced in certain games. Will there be team balancing, or all in like last time?
  11. coob

    Blitz LAN #1 (HouseLAN)

    nothing planned for those dates :) Should be good unless I get called offshore!
  12. coob

    Blitz LAN #1 (HouseLAN)

    interested pending dates, im away for two weeks after lan. back on the 20th. September seems like a good bet! filling in before cold LAN!
  13. coob

    British Touring Cars @ Knockhill - 22nd~24th August

    now now dod, no need to make it grey over! Hope its a great day or two guys! I won't manage unfourtunatly but have a great time!
  14. coob

    Mini F1 LAN - 6th July

    You could always use gamestream! lol
  15. coob

    BBQ at Dods!

    dod; "what are all these random people doing on my lawn, honey, get the sniper rifle!"
  16. coob

    Happy birthday Flukes!

    Happy deflated birthday! hope you had a good time :)
  17. coob

    Website upgrade

    Me and mark had a proper laugh at casti's 404 page. Also i also seem to have problems on mobile platforms :)
  18. coob

    A small Artemis-themed project I've been working on...

    Does the engineer shirt include a hammer in which to bash typhoon when hes talking too loud? :D
  19. coob

    CS:GO tournament

    I'll have an attempt, Hopefully I wont be in the car at that point.
  20. coob

    CS:GO Football?

    Remember to vote for it on greenlight!!!
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