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  1. gemini

    Jukebox Requests

    If you have been to a LAN and noticed that a song you wanted was not on the Jukebox, post details of it here. The best suggestions most likely to be fulfilled will be requests for full albums. Singles are too expensive and difficult to categorize within my filing system. Request a single if...
  2. gemini

    Changes to T's & C's for Season Tickets

    Some changes have been made to the T's & C's for Season Tickets. You can read about them here Locking the thread to keep conversation about it all in one place.
  3. gemini

    Changes to T's & C's for Season Tickets

    Hi all. For everyone's information, we're changing the rules regarding season tickets. In the past you could buy one and then use them at any four events you chose in the future. This is no longer the case. From now on, Season tickets must be purchased before the end of January and are only...
  4. gemini


    First post
  5. gemini

    Jackbox Party Pack 5

    I'm gonna have it to play at LAN :D Big screen entertainment :D
  6. gemini

    CD Key Website links are forbidden to be shared on BreachLAN forums

    This is a notification to everyone regarding links to third party CD key retailers. We're trying to build relationships with games companies and links to grey market websites such as Kinguin, CD Keys, G2A etc undermine this. These websites make their money by facilitating the sale of stolen...
  7. gemini


    Out with the old and in with the new. Wreckfest is the brand new destruction derby game from the makers of the old favourite, Flatout 2. A few of us gave it a blast at the last event and decided it's time to make the switch. Check out the game here BUY IT HERE - SAME PRICE AS STEAM
  8. gemini

    2nd Seat - Want double the desk space? - Info inside

    If you want to take advantage of some extra space at your next BreachLAN event you can do so. Get yourself a second space with a 30% discount. What you get for your money Double the desk space - twice as much room if you want a second monitor or a huge ultrawide Double your network...
  9. gemini

    Breachlan 47 - SIGNUPS OPEN

    Get your BreachLAN 47 Early Bird Ticket now.
  10. gemini

    Steam Summer Sale 2018 - BreachLAN Games

    A-List - Extremely popular large games that are on the big game list for almost every event - Great idea to own these. Flatout 2 - £1.19 Rainbow Six: Siege - £19.99 (Get the standard or advanced edition) Counter Strike: Global Offensive - £5.69 Killing Floor 2 - £7.99 Rocket League - £7.49 Half...
  11. gemini


    Another really popular LAN game of ours, Killing Floor 2 is currently 60% off making it just £7.99 for the next 3 days. 6 player co-op at it's finest with a stack of awesome gory weapons to choose from. In KILLING FLOOR 2, players descend into continental Europe where the outbreak caused by...
  12. gemini

    LAN Party Shopping - With AMAZON

    Hey everyone. As you guys know, BreachLAN doesn't make any profit. It's run entirely voluntarily. Any money we make goes to paying the bills and being re-invested in the LAN to make it better for everyone. Anything we can do to make more money with less effort is going to be good for everyone...
  13. gemini


    Hey everyone. I apologise in advance for the following wall of text, but this is important. Please take the time to read it all. This is a public service announcement. Due to what's looking at being our busiest event ever, we're going to have to raise awareness of a few rules we have always...
  14. gemini

    DC++ Tutorial

    If you don't know what DC++ is - check this video out. It will take you about 10 minutes to watch the video and set up the software. It's a really great way to get a whole load of new content from other people coming to the event. Highly recommend you install it and set it up in advance.
  15. gemini

    Rainbow Six: Siege - UP TO 50% OFF THIS WEEKEND

    At the past few BreachLAN events we've been playing this game and having a blast with it. It's a multiplayer only realistic shooter where you get to use loads of high tech gadgets alongside really sweet guns to take down the other team, plant or defuse bombs, rescue hostages and just old...
  16. gemini

    Greg's Final MMA Match - 27th May - Beach Ballroom

    Ladies and Gentlemen. As most of you folks know, just over a year ago I took up Mixed Martial Arts with the goal of raising money for Cancer Research UK. Coming up on the 27th May is going to be my third (and almost certainly final) fight. The reason why this will likely be my final fight is...
  17. gemini

    Payday 2 ULTIMATE EDITION - £14.23 on Steam PAYDAY2 is a pretty sweet 4-player co-op game where you rob banks, casinos, warehouses, car showrooms and break your buddies out of police custody. It's a beast of a game that we've been playing for a few years. There was a...
  18. gemini

    BreachLAN #46: Remember to pick your seat

    Good day everyone. Just a polite reminder - Once you have paid for your ticket you can pick your seat at the link below. You can change your mind and move later if you want to. If you aren't fussed about where you sit then you don't have to choose one and can can pick any open seat once you...
  19. gemini


    Join our Discord Server at the link below.
  20. gemini

    BreachLAN 45: Game Schedule

    Friday Night : Fright Night 6 PM : Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop 8PM: Killing Floor 2 10/10:30PM: Deceit Midnight : Rainbow 6 Siege Saturday - Casual Fun 1 PM : Evolve Stage 2 3PM : Heroes of the Storm 6PM : Chivalry 9PM : Diablo 3 11:30 PM - Poker Sunday - FOR THE LOLZ 1PM : Garrys...
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