Well I'd be driving up to Dex's a couple of days before the event and stay with him and then leave a day or 2 after the event. I'd quite like to drive it for the experience though TBH. My car is more than capable of it and it's comfy enough for the 9 hour drive... THB i'd probably stay with...
Holy Thread Revival Batman!
Any new dates in mind for the next LAN considering BL 11 is cancelled?
If there is one in the new Year, i may very well drive up from London. :D
Defraggle, it's made the people that make CCleaner. at it works quicker and does a better job than the windows defrag.
The Hero is the "G2 Touch" on T-Mobile.
This N900 looks no different from my N97, just bigger. I've got to say I do like the N97 but the G2 Touch is way better. I'd got as far as to say the G2 Touch is better than the iPhone.
If Scott's doing it then i'll keep an open mind about. If any other newb director was taking it on, i'd bitch and moan about leaving it alone or something or other.
Dixons has it the cheapest.
I have already pre-ordered Home Premium. so i'll get it for £45 :D
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