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  1. Amesy

    Pub Lunch - Aberdeen - Sat 20th June

    Sounds good baby!
  2. Amesy

    Starcraft 2 = No LAN Play

    I never played the first one... so this means nothing to me I'm afraid.
  3. Amesy

    Tweak Guides

    I found this guide a few years ago. Basically, it's a complete guide to tweaking stuff in XP, from how to customise the look and behaviour of the OS all the way through manually modifying the registry to get better performance of of your machine. The guy that created the guide has also done one...
  4. Amesy

    All aboard.....

    Doesn't matter one inch. You mission in life is to get this made for the next LAN. It won't effect me as i won't be there..... BUT YOU MUST!!!!!
  5. Amesy

    Pub Lunch - Aberdeen - Sat 20th June

    Awesome. I remember having one of those right after the hungry horse mixed grill. Remember that dex? You were so bored waiting for me to finish NOMing
  6. Amesy

    All aboard.....

    You should get one of those for the next BreachLAN and have it in plain view for all to see.
  7. Amesy

    Circle The Cat

    OMG. I've done it once in a bout 20 tries. That's difficult.
  8. Amesy

    Breachlan journey to i38

    Ah i see.
  9. Amesy


  10. Amesy

    Michael Jackson Dead :O I've always been a massive fan despite what people say about. he was the master of what he did. T'is a very sad day indeed.
  11. Amesy


    Call me stoopid, but i Can't see the differences of which you speak.
  12. Amesy

    Use Boxmen (Game)

    most annoyingly addictive and difficult from lvl 10 onwards.
  13. Amesy


    Not a L4D person then $ku1!?
  14. Amesy

    Breachlan journey to i38

    According to the multiplay website, it's i37 7th - 10th August.... what are you lot talking about?
  15. Amesy

    Evil Genius

    It looks ACE!. I'll look into it when i get home.
  16. Amesy

    Pub Lunch - Aberdeen - Sat 20th June

    Oh good. I'd hate to think that they no longer served Ames Sized portions.
  17. Amesy

    Pub Lunch - Aberdeen - Sat 20th June

    I like that Hungry Horse. Awesome mixed Grill. Dex why didn't we go there when i came up?
  18. Amesy

    Corp Hanger

    How and where do we access this? is it in game or a forum thing? I already have access to the in-game corp hanger but i was under the impression that this was some sort of forum thing? What's going on here and who am i? :confused:
  19. Amesy

    Corp Hanger

    I've just applied if it'll make you happy :)
  20. Amesy

    Corporation Information

    OK I've applied to join under the char name Ames Demascous. :cool:
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