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  1. Amesy

    Saint Rows 2 only £3.75 on steam for 24hrs

    I gots the HIS 4870 1GB. But due to my budget 19" I run everything at the max 1280x1024. It's a great card and handles every game I've thrown at it so far, including Crysis at MAX settings DX10 and 64bit mode.... Which, as i remember, I made you see for your self when you were down here.
  2. Amesy

    Killing Floor Glitch and Tricks

    Well that's dioxins strat out of the window
  3. Amesy

    Windows 7

    Yeah, im on 64bit as well.
  4. Amesy

    Killing Floor Suicidal TONIGHT!

    As Gemini said, it's only the overlay feature of Mumble that kills the Floor....see what i did there?...... just turn off the overlay feature within mumble and Killing floor works fine. I had the exact same issue when i started the game for the first time.
  5. Amesy

    Killing Floor Suicidal TONIGHT!

    I'll certainly be around. I'll be home from 5.30 but going to the gym at 7 then i'll be back around 8.30
  6. Amesy

    KillingFloor Games tonight?

    Yeah Tuesdays are good for so that would be cool.
  7. Amesy

    Haynes Video Gaming Manual

    LOL. Haynes have a manual for everything now.
  8. Amesy

    Windows 7

    I'd say so 100%
  9. Amesy

    Windows 7

    I've been running mine since last Tueday and the only problem i have encountered is that it didn't support my Microsoft Habu mouse. MS then released a patch on the Wednesday which fixed it..... not a single issue since. hurrah.
  10. Amesy

    KillingFloor Games tonight?

    When is the next one.... i wanna play.
  11. Amesy

    Killingfloor free weekend starts tonight

    Ben and adam both downloaded this and now they are both going to buy! hurrah!
  12. Amesy

    Saint Rows 2 only £3.75 on steam for 24hrs

    ATI is the immediate future of GFX cards.... until nVidia get the upper hand again.
  13. Amesy

    Saint Rows 2 only £3.75 on steam for 24hrs

    There is nowt wrong with ATI... infact they are producing much better cards than nVidia at the moment.
  14. Amesy

    Windows 7

    Nope. just a regular Ole 400GB WD SATA. but i swear to god it took no longer than about 15 minutes. It copied and unpacked the files and finished "setting up the System" in around 10 minutes then it took 5 minutes to go through the self setup (language, date, time, networking ETC.) rebooted and...
  15. Amesy

    Windows 7

    Mine installed in roughly 15 minutes too. and it works great. More on this after the break.
  16. Amesy

    Windows 7

    I ordered Home addition for £44 from Dixons. It arrived Yesterday :D The Pro was £80 and at the time, i did not have that amount of cash to spend. The retail box comes with 2 DVDs 1 for a 32bit install and one for a 64bit install. The only real difference between Home and Pro is that with home...
  17. Amesy

    Need Help - Lift Home from Airport

    LMAO Dex, look at the last post. Do you really think Gemini is still sitting at the airport waiting for someone to pick him up????
  18. Amesy

    Big Killing Floor patch next week

    Awesomeness. I'll be around for a while tonight if anyone wants to play. :D
  19. Amesy

    Post Your Gamertag :)

    Yeah, i think so. If not my account name is "colonelames" (obviously without the "s)
  20. Amesy

    SG:U - Time To Fap.

    I'm enjoying it, but it's nowhere near as good and the original. far better than Atlantis already though, even if it does follow on (sort of)
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