Thats me, Bloodnok, MAdMan and ZeroG all in position. Depending on Madmans mate and Castiana when they find out we may have to move to keep everyone together.
Thank you everyone for your efforts this far.
With 4 of us signed up now we can start planning the journey and getting other things in place to make the trip as great as we can make it.
I get home from work around 9pm tomorrow. I will start the process of sorting things out first thing thursday morning and I will have info available to discuss with everyone at Breachlan.
Everyone for now though sit back and relax. We have gotten over the biggest hurdle in organising a group trip of this nature.
I am looking forward to this now more than ever before. We are in for a great time.
Everyone should have sorted themselves out by the time breachlan comes. So I will have the bulk of the plan in place for you all then.
Take care everyone. Thanks