*looks disapprovingly*
Hey you,
Interested in coming to Pax East 2017? well here is the thread for you! Its in Boston, however the dates haven't been announced yet, this year they were April 22-24th so expect it to be around that time next year.
Putting this up now as tickets sell out within 24 hours usually, if you want to go I'd reccomend you know in advance whether you can take the time off etc. Tickets were on sale October 9th 2015 for the 2016 show so expect it to be around that time this year. I'd recommend looking up flights for around those dates and hotel costs before replying.
I'm going whether or not anyone else is
. I went this year and I would recommend it.
If your interested reply to this thread before OCTOBER 2016, getting a decent price on hotels and flights requires quick booking.
Interested in coming to Pax East 2017? well here is the thread for you! Its in Boston, however the dates haven't been announced yet, this year they were April 22-24th so expect it to be around that time next year.
Putting this up now as tickets sell out within 24 hours usually, if you want to go I'd reccomend you know in advance whether you can take the time off etc. Tickets were on sale October 9th 2015 for the 2016 show so expect it to be around that time this year. I'd recommend looking up flights for around those dates and hotel costs before replying.
I'm going whether or not anyone else is
If your interested reply to this thread before OCTOBER 2016, getting a decent price on hotels and flights requires quick booking.