Windows 7


Well-Known Member
Right so Windows 7 is out on Thursday and I did forget that it was so soon. At the time I pre-ordered 2 copies of Pro for £100 each partly cause it was cheap and partly cause I wasn't sure if I would get as some sites were canceling orders as they had too many pre-orders.

Anyway if anyone wants a copy of Windows 7 Pro for the original pre-order price of £100 let me know (Retail is £220 for Full Edition) otherwise I might just try and cancel 1 in the next day or 2.


Active Member
I ordered Home addition for £44 from Dixons. It arrived Yesterday :D
The Pro was £80 and at the time, i did not have that amount of cash to spend.

The retail box comes with 2 DVDs 1 for a 32bit install and one for a 64bit install. The only real difference between Home and Pro is that with home, you don't get the new Windows XP mode.... no biggy.


Well-Known Member
Yup they actually made a good decision and ship both 32 and 64 bit in the same box.


The Crude One
Staff member
That is a good decision. I'm more tempted now by this. The lower pricing also seems to be pretty tempting.


New Member
I'll probably get the Student deal and try to get Pro for £30. Stick it on my laptop and dual boot Ubuntu with it.


Thou Shalt Not Pass
7 pro for students - free?
yay for me being a student then :D

Just read the link, and its not available any more... :(


Well-Known Member
thats a US site... you needed to be a student of an IT subject (as was the case of Aberdeen College)


mine arrived yesterday from pc world and installed from power on to desktop in a nice lovely 16 mins. i got 7 pro but dabs not shipped my home premium yet


Active Member
Mine installed in roughly 15 minutes too. and it works great. More on this after the break.
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