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  1. PseudoPhreak

    Left 4 Dead PC Half Price on Steam - £13.49 Anyone who doesnt have it already has no excuse not to have it for the LAN now :)
  2. PseudoPhreak

    Official Games List

    Games To Have(These games will be played at somepoint throughout the event): TF2 L4D UT2004 (any mods will be provided) Flatout2 HL2: DM (any mods will be provided) Game Servers(Dedicated servers we can run, possibly 1 or 2 more): L4D CSS TF2 TFC Battlefield 2 UT2004 HL2: DM...
  3. PseudoPhreak

    Attendance List

    1-DeepBlue 2-ScottishDragon 3-Prism/Castiana 4-PseudoPhreak 5-Sakey 6-Fireleaf 7-Sparky 8-Sweeper128 9-Gonky 10-Andrew B 11-Andrew S 12-Chris 13-Doug 14-Robert 15-RGU Ninj4 16-ZeroG 17-Olap 18-NiceGuy 19-mullet88 20-Madman 21-Dangerous Dave 22-$ku1! 23-Bobster 24-gemini...
  4. PseudoPhreak

    Paypal Payment Currently £31.50
  5. PseudoPhreak

    Happy Birthday Sion (Prism/Castiana)

    All the best, maybe see you at the weekend.
  6. PseudoPhreak

    Hitler Hates Valve Absolutely hilarious. Sitting in work, near pissing myself.
  7. PseudoPhreak

    What i aspire to.....
  8. PseudoPhreak

    Inverness based Comic Convention tempted to go.
  9. PseudoPhreak

    Doeo! Random!!
  10. PseudoPhreak

    Music Catch Beautiful!!
  11. PseudoPhreak

    Burn The Rope
  12. PseudoPhreak

    Geek Reviews A couple guys from the Aberdeen area film themselves talking about all things geek. Give them a watch, pretty reasonable show. Along the lines of the Totally Rad Show if some have heard of that before.
  13. PseudoPhreak

    TF2 update "We've been pretty quiet lately, but thankfully, that's about to end. In the next few days we'll have an update out that has a couple of new features for the Engineer and Spy, and a variety of other smaller fixes. * Teleporters will be...
  14. PseudoPhreak


    does anyone know where i can get a 360 chipped? my brother has two really young kids and would like to back up his games.
  15. PseudoPhreak


    what's everyones ISP, and how do you rate them?
  16. PseudoPhreak

    BreachLAN 10

    Hey all, BreachLAN 10 has been announced. The dates are 27th February 2009 - 1st March 2009. We have been in talks with the Aberdeen Universities so we hope to see a few of them there. If you have paid for the previous LAN that was cancelled and would like a refund, please get in touch or just...
  17. PseudoPhreak

    BreachLAN #9 Cancelled

    I guess you all saw this coming but its official now. We have had to cancel BreachLAN #9 as there wasn't enough people signed up and paid. I will refund everyone who has paid over the next week. As you can expect we are uncertain about the next LAN right now but we are still interested in...
  18. PseudoPhreak

    BreachLAN #9 Cancelled

    I guess you all saw this coming but its official now. We have had to cancel BreachLAN #9 as there wasn't enough people signed up and paid. I will refund everyone who has paid over the next week. As you can expect we are uncertain about the next LAN right now but we are still interested in...
  19. PseudoPhreak

    10 reasons it would rule to date a unicorn
  20. PseudoPhreak

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