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  1. PseudoPhreak

    Congrats Pugger

    Our biggest congratulations go out to our very own Pugger and his other half Hannah who have just had their first kid, baby girl Darcie.
  2. PseudoPhreak

    BL Steam Group and TF2 Server

    Hi all, i have created a group for BreachLAN on steam, please join as we will have scheduled events on our TF2 Server. The server IP is, add it to your favourites.
  3. PseudoPhreak

    Twitter You should check it out. its like micro blogging, or mass texting, its free to receive peoples updates and just cost a normal text to update your own profile. Think if you in town, you could just send an update and it goes to all your...
  4. PseudoPhreak

    Foo Fighters at Vue cinemas
  5. PseudoPhreak


    Finally, we have a poster, please spam this around and let us know where you post it.
  6. PseudoPhreak

    Official BL9 Games List

    UT2004 UT3 TF2 Flatout 2 Trackmania Nations Forever - Free through steam Savage 2 - Free from their site and to play over LAN. Zombie Panic Source - Free mod for HL2 Rock Band - will be provided by staff Mario Kart Wii - will be provided by staff More To be added.
  7. PseudoPhreak

    TF2 Karaoke Genius!!! Dex, you must get that mod for the LAN!
  8. PseudoPhreak

    Details of BL9 Triathlon

    Stage 1: UT2004: DM 10 minute round, top 5 progress Stage 2: Flatout 2: 3 rounds, top 2 progress Final Stage: Worms Armageddon, Best of 3 rounds We are also thinking of a TF2 toruney, but it will depend on final numbers.
  9. PseudoPhreak

    Odd problems?!

    Hi all, my computer is still have fits after a period of uptime, its throwing up delayed write errors about 30 hours in. this is for all hard drives and i replaced the OS drive and same thing. I just got the motherboard replaced and the problem still occurs. My next stage of testing is RAM but...
  10. PseudoPhreak

    WTB: Wii

    Hi, I am thinking about buying a wii for my nephew but as he is young and doesn't know how to treat discs, i am looking to get it chipped so i can keep back ups of the games. Does anyone know where i can get a wii chipped or sells them already chipped? Thanks
  11. PseudoPhreak

    Why every guy should buy their girlfriend Wii Fit.
  12. PseudoPhreak

    Savage 2: free play weekend May23rd
  13. PseudoPhreak

    BL9 date change: 29-31 August

    Due to a scheduling conflict we have had to delay the LAN by a week to 29-31 August. I hope this is OK with everyone, please contact us if you have signed up and cant make these dates.
  14. PseudoPhreak

    BreachLAN #9 Tourney's Poll

    To gauge if we can get away with including high spec games in our tourneys i want to know if you have bought a new computer in the past year.
  15. PseudoPhreak

    Update 06/05/08

    Hey Guys, Signups for BreachLAN 9 are open, the dates 22nd-24th august 2008. Please see the next event page for more details. The paypal link is still saying BreachLAN 8, but it still works and will get changed soon. I will be planning a schedule soon and a poster will be ready in the next few...
  16. PseudoPhreak

    What Guys Really Think About in Class
  17. PseudoPhreak

    One Man star wars trilogy

    anyone want to go see the one man star wars triolgy at the music hall in aberdeen on 6th july? Tickets are £14
  18. PseudoPhreak

  19. PseudoPhreak


    hows about a big game of TF2 tonight? meet in IRC 7-8pm?
  20. PseudoPhreak


    anyone got invites for STMusic?
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