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  1. PseudoPhreak

    Webhost hack wipes out data for 100,000 sites

    A large internet service provider said data for as many as 100,000 websites was destroyed by attackers who targeted a zero-day vulnerability in a widely-used virtualization application.
  2. PseudoPhreak

    American Soda - Free Delivery, orders over £20

    "Free shipping until midnight friday on standard delivery on orders over £20, use the code - GREEN. UK retail customers only"
  3. PseudoPhreak

    BreachLAN 11 Date Change

    Hi Guys, After a the poll, the date chosen for the next BL is now 11-13 September 2009. Hope to see you all there. If the new dates are unsuitable for you, please get in touch for a refund. Apologies for any inconvenience. Payments are re-open and the special offer price has been extended...
  4. PseudoPhreak

    Do you have swine flu?
  5. PseudoPhreak

    Games Frenzy Has anyone ever used/heard of these guys? Like Lovefilm, but for games.
  6. PseudoPhreak

    BreachLAN 11

    Due to unforseen circumstances, we are having to move the dates for BreachLAN 11. We are looking at one of the first two weeks in September but are opening this up to a public poll to see what week would suit more people. So the dates to choose from are: 4th - 6th of September or 11th - 13th...
  7. PseudoPhreak

    BreachLAN 11: 7th-9th August 2009

    BreachLAN 11 is a go for Friday 7th until Sunday 9th August 2009. Usual fun and malarky, maybe with some playing in the park at 4am to keep a certain someone happy. Providing good weather, there may be football and a BBQ, dont worry, we have many trained first aiders. We have a special offer...
  8. PseudoPhreak

    Paypal Payment - BreachLAN 11 (11th - 13th Sept 2009) £26.50
  9. PseudoPhreak

    BreachLAN 11: Seating Plan

    Usual Seating Plan Names In Blue are Admin Sakey Dex Scott Castiana / Prism . . . Dangerous Dave . Paid - Reserved . . . gemini . . . . . . . NETWORK . . . Xyphious . NETWORK . Sparky . Dioxin . . . . . . . . ZeroG . .
  10. PseudoPhreak

    Google street view

    Google Maps: street view has went live for Aberdeen today. Pretty crazy, they have my grandma sitting outside her house!
  11. PseudoPhreak

    Game Ladders

    How would you guys like gaming competitions tracked by the BreachLAN site? The system is in place on this site already, for either Tournament based or Ladder based competitions. Some dummy comps created for testing and so you can have a...
  12. PseudoPhreak

    NEWS: BL Site Pages

    Hello, As some of you know, i have been adding a couple pages to the Site nav to pad the site out a bit. I have just added an embedded slideshow for the BL Flickr group pool. Are there any other pages BL related that you would like and i will see about implementing some of the suggestions.
  13. PseudoPhreak

    News: BreachLAN 10 Pics I have uploaded all my pics to the Breachlan public group pool, you can do the same, or you can send you pics to me and i will upload them for you.
  14. PseudoPhreak

    News: IRC

    I have added a link to the top left in the Site Navigation section to a web based IRC client. All you need to do is click the link, enter your name, click connect and it logs you in to our public IRC channel. This might work for some of you students/workers that have IRC blocked.
  15. PseudoPhreak

    Calling all students

    Hey there. Just wondering when your uni's finish for summer?
  16. PseudoPhreak

    News: Test

  17. PseudoPhreak

    WW2 - Simple Version One of the best things i've seen in a while.(Not the war and the killing)
  18. PseudoPhreak


    Some of you might have heard of this already. It lets you sync files across multiple computers and you can access them through the website too. Awesome tool that i use alot now.
  19. PseudoPhreak

    Quake Live

    This is now in Open Beta. You have to queue, but only for the plugin, which if you ask me nicely i can send you to save you time:)
  20. PseudoPhreak

    Team Fortress 2 - Half Price Until Friday! £6.99 on STEAM

    get it if you havent, make sure its fully updated by friday!
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